SEB [ONLY ACCOUNT] A7X new album 10/16/2007 profile picture

SEB [ONLY ACCOUNT] A7X new album 10/16/2007

About Me

I'm pierced I've got two labrets, one piercing on my tongue, one on my left lobe 8 mm and one on my right lobe[I've not finished my work on my face yet] and soon tattooed [design at work]. I love little stuffs like my computer, my phone, my ipod and my nintendo DS. I always need Vodka, cigarettes, Avenged Sevenfold and fast food.My gf and I are Zombies meeting each other and falling in love then. We walk the night and we eat every people not like us under the control of weeds of the park and Vodka from Russian communist but pushed by the UK monarchy.I dance Hip Hop like a shit by myself behind the sound of the Beatie Boys and I look for someone who can learn me piercing or who own a shop in England in order to be body piercer there. I'm trying to create a grind electro band so if someone wants to help me you are welcome.I just want to talk to people who have the same interests as mine. I have ever deleted about 2K friends. THIS IS MY ONLY ACCOUNT I'm very busy [I've got a life out of myspace] and lazy so sorry if I don't reply to your comments, I read them its just I dont find the time to reply to all. I prefer you comment me than you message me. I don't use msn for the chat so you could contact me through email at [email protected]If you want to know more about me add me at