Procrastination and whatnot. Disrespectination of the English language. The peculiar joys of being a Partick Thistle fan. Going to more gigs and things than is sensible. de-Basing it up (drinking in The Basement) - this is uninteresting. Managing bands who refuse to exist coherently .
"duck art"
All that jazz. But not Jazz. Soil & "Pimp" Sessions have changed things here.
People. Ooh! Or robots!No cunts though...
an awful lot of rubbish
Mainly the genius of Mr. Cuomo
See also Messrs Smith , Byrne and Mothersbaugh
Battle Royale, Strange Days, A Clockwork Orange, Kill Bill, Run Lola Run, Ghost World, Star Wars, Westworld, The Omen, The Great Escape, The Magnificent Seven, Zoolander...
all the Bond films, of course (especially oh oh woh oh The Living Daylights, it is brilliant)
Adventure Time!
Doctor Who, South Park, The Simpsons, The Prisoner, Monkey Dust, Futurama, Quantum Leap, Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The League of Gentlemen, Red Dwarf, Father Ted, Six Feet Under, Heroes, Shameless.
The Metro is a book...
Lately I've been all about Atomised by Michel Houellebecq.
Part disillusioned dissection of contemporary social values, part intellectualised smut.
Anyone who enjoys comics should read Scary-Go-Round , for it is pure dead brill.
"They wouldn't be heroes if they were infallible, in fact they wouldn't be heroes if they weren't miserable wretched dogs, the pariahs of the earth... part of the whole exhilaration of admiring somebody for their artistic accomplishments is resenting 'em 'cause they never live up to your expectations... Fuck 'em!"
- Lester Bangs, 'Let Us Now Praise Famous Death Dwarves, or, How I Slugged It Out with Lou Reed and Stayed Awake', Creem, March 1975