dearest inez was brought to life in 2003 as a much needed hobby for owner/maker melissa liptrap. melissa graduated that year with a b.s. in communications from west virginia state university and found herself bored with a full time desk job.
although melissa considers herself largely self-taught, she credits her mawmaw inez for inspiring her to make.
she loves appalachia, west virginia, the mystery hole, treasure, gems, ultra fine point sharpies, dresses with sleeves, warm just-out-of-the-dryer laundry, icecream, giraffes, sloths, indian food, carb loading, sewing, singing, clapping and whistling.
every dearest inez piece is lovingly designed and made by melissa. she relocating to louisville, ketucky to open a new shop for handmade and independent design called The Makery.
if you haven't already, please add the makery as one of your friends!you can find dearest inez on etsy.
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