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About Me

I like to party... drink.. hangwith my buds.. hmm think that covers everything!These guys are my life!

I love writing poetry, been writing for years... Hope you like this piece...Romeo Romeo, Won't you hear my call, Come rescue me from this tower, Please catch me as I fall, Let me gaze into your eyes, So truthful, so deep, so blue, Tell me how much you love me, Feel how much I love you, For one night let's forget our families, Let's intertwine our bodys as one, Hold me safely in you arms tight, 'Cause with you I know I belong, Take my purest virginity, & make me an adult at last, Let this fantasy live out all night, Please don't move to fast, Let's stay lost in this moment, Until they find us here again, This time we'll be eternally joined, They won't split us up again, So here now take this wine, The poison is hard to taste, Don't spill any my dearest Romeo, We can't let it go to waiste, Now lets slip into eternity, An after life of us.. of love so true, Our families will never accept us here, So this is what we must do,Hold onto me now Romeo, Please promise not to let me go, Let's hold onto fate forever, We'll be floating up .. not below, The Angels are here to guide us, I can see them Romeo open your eyes, They look sorry now don't they, Our families, can you hear their sorrowful cries, Don't look back now Romeo, God is waiting there at the gate, Come walk with me now hurry Romeo, We don't want to be late,Two young souls stolen away, Due to families tearing them apart, Adam & Romeo had to be together, The love was there to share in their hearts, They had never felt straight in their lives, Eve & Juliet were so wrong for them, Families turned their backs on two lovely lads, Because they were attracted to men, Now they're joined for eternity, & people feel deep regret, They had been trying to split them up, Since the first day they ever met, Hetro, Homo, bi or plain confused, Why should preference get in the way, When you find love grab onto it with both hands, & never lt it slip away...17.06.2005 Copyright ©2005 Clare Beth Leivers Copyrighted Material All Rights Reserved

My Interests

P!nk - Who Knew - Brighton Centre November 14th 2006One of my all time fave songs "Love Song" - p!nkSinging/Songwritting.. poetry.. Socializing

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I'd like to meet:

A normal guy who won't turn gay or into a psycho!! haha
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Jason James Bradshaw... sooo frickin talented!! Vote for me in this contest! Submit entry | Create your own contest Contest details ..


Gem*a.. a true star!!Anything really, unless its annoying!! crazy frog is defo out!!! Fave lines from songs... "I'd rather bleed with cuts of love than live without any scars" - P!nk "I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song" - Fallout Boy "That last kiss I'll cherish, until we meet again, & time makes it harder I wish I could remember" - P!nk "How many sugars do you like in your tea? Forget about the sugar have a spoon full of me!" - Basement Jaxx

Blog images

Check this vid out.. the sims doing P!nk's Family Portrait, someone is defo talented!!Such a summers tune!!!


Rom-com's .. stuff that'll make me laugh! & serious films like Layer Cake, Human Traffic.. I luuuuuuurve Pirates of the Carribean!! Especially Capin Jack Sparrow *goes weak at the knees*

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Hollyoaks, Shameless, Friends, Eastenders, Ugly Betty, Simpsons, Skins.. mainly Channel 4 stuff!

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Anything by Nick Hornby!! Reading "On the seabed" at the mo, by Lindsay Nicholson v emotional :(
Which X Factor Judge are you? Your Result: Sharon Osbourne

The only judge with kids of her own & it shows! You can be harsh when it's needed but you normally think of the persons feelings over the Television ratings! Your warm hugs when someone doesn't get through & encouraging words of wisdom .. makes you the mummy of the judges!

Simon Cowell
Louis Walsh
Which X Factor Judge are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


?My aunty cath?... RIP.
lyrics - Elvis Presley Lyrics ?My mum.. ?P!nk..

My Blog

New York, New York!

NYC April 2008   Saturday April 12th 2008 I woke up around 8am, couldn't sleep too excited (like a kid on Christmas Eve!!), to the sound of American Boy playing "Take me on a trip I wanna go s...
Posted by Liggs on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:40:00 PST


As most of ya's know, I'm home in Nottingham this week whilst on holiday from work. I choose today to visit the Crematorium. I always visit when I'm home to lay flowers for my Aunty Cath & my Gran...
Posted by Liggs on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 07:29:00 PST

I Remember/I’ll Never Forget

I Remember/Never forget 13 years ago todayI last saw your faceThe years pass byBut the hurt never fadesHunched against the railingsI could see you were in soo much painI didn't realise at that moment...
Posted by Liggs on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 02:00:00 PST

Happy Birthday my Angel...

Today we should celebrate your birthdayBut you're too far awayI wanted to give you a huge hugBut my arms can't reach to heavens gatesIt's still oh so hazy& Still doesn't seem realI can't seem to b...
Posted by Liggs on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:32:00 PST

Declan Bennett - The Revue Bar, Soho, London

Oh what a night! Was fab! Had a nightmare getting to London! First of all went to catch the number 6 at the top of my road to Brighton station, bus pulled out just as I got there. So walked to th...
Posted by Liggs on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 01:57:00 PST

My Holiday

So, Friday the 13th July 2007, turned out to be a pretty good day!! Shocking I know! Was at work & had a stocktake.... cellar was 98% accurate which is fantastic!! Me mum & dad arrived & w...
Posted by Liggs on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:33:00 PST

To all that work in the Hotel industry!!

Last night as I lay sleeping I died or so it seemed, Then I went to heaven But only in my dream Up there St. Peter met me Standing at the pearly gates, He said "I must check your record Please ...
Posted by Liggs on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 09:18:00 PST


Ok, so a couple of weeks ago I had my first full stock take at work & my score was a deficit (loss) of over £2.5k!  was sooo down & fucked off!! Since then I've put loadsa new policies &a...
Posted by Liggs on Thu, 17 May 2007 12:27:00 PST

Worried after a trip to the Doc's...

So I finally registered with a Doc in Brighton (well, Hove) today! They asked all the normal questions & then took my blood pressure... which is apparently v v high! This was worrying me anyway bu...
Posted by Liggs on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:36:00 PST

So glad I bothered!! (fab recipe!!)

So I've not been feelin too good due to a bug that grinded me into the ground.. or so it seemed! So today being the first time in4days that i've been able to eat properly inspired me to make something...
Posted by Liggs on Mon, 14 May 2007 11:00:00 PST