I live in Texas. in a small town called Venus, Texas. It's about 45mins from Dallas and 30mins from Fort Worth. I lived in Texas for about 7 years now. I used to live in Albqureque, New Mexico. My family moved to Texas fight after my Dad die in 1998. We moved here to be closer to his and my mom family. I was born in Texas. But was raise in New Mexico until I was 13. I'm now 21 years old. I GOT A MAN gOD DAMMNIT! I'm in College. I'm majoring in Astronomy and Art.Enough of that stuff.I'm the orginal Funk Sista.
Let me tell you how Funky I'm really am.
I'm so funky it hurts.
There's no works to discribe it;s ust funky.
You Dig. The greatest quote on Earth is.Prepare your sexy frist. Second find something to fit.
Then as I say to everyone I meet. One think you should, I mean on thing you should is. Don't fake the Funk when getting Funky. You Dig.
The Funkadelic Sista
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
I don't know who I want to meet really. I guess if I see a star or anyone famous. I will run up to them and ask for an autograph.