Was born in Honolulu Hawaii in a hospital in Waikiki, which they tore down 10 yrs ago to make room for more hotels. Typical!! The capitalistic BASTARDS. I grew up in the islands and lived the life that most people dream about.Surfing befor school, waiting 4 the sets to roll in and watching dolphins swim by. Swimming in fresh water waterfalls, hiking, camping and bonfires on the beach. Later in life it was college parties and clubbing with tourist that were just looking for a good time. I loved it. But at the same time I knew deep down inside I hade to get off that fucking rock. I have caught what they call island fever. So I got injured at work(I didnt plan it, it just happened damit) won a law suit and flew 2 Cali. Moved to San Diego ( which means whales vagina in german) San Diego sucks ass, first week I was there I got jumped by a bunch of fucking skin heads. If your not white your not right down there in S.D.. Dont get me wrong I'm no hate monger or racist. You should see my tribe, asians,hispanics white and black. So when I say shit like that I just call'em as I see'em. Then I moved 2 the S.G.V. then 2 the I.E.And now I find myself in Muskogee Oklahoma~ I have traveled 2 Washington State, Oregon, Texas, New Mexico, Old Mexico, Arazona, Nevada, Utah, Tennesee ( grandparents live there),Kentucky and Oklahoma.~ I generally get along with everyone but I have no time 4 stupid people. I really hate liars, cheaters, women beaters, child molesters, assholes that dont take care of their familys or pets and fuckers that honk their horns.~4 some strange reason kids, old people and animals like me, sometimes I think I must smell like bacon or candy.****** 2 ALL MY HATERS OUT THERE YOU R ALL WEAK AND FUCKEN LAME!!!******
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