The movie The Wizard of Oz inspired actress Gyda Arber to take up performing at the tender age of three. After working as a child performer with San Francisco's Children's Opera Company for many years, in high school Gyda starred in many of her school productions (following in the footsteps of Lowell High School's Benjamin Bratt and Carol Channing) and studied with Guinness Book champion tapper Rosie Radiator and famed vocal coach to the stars (including Barbra Streisand) Judy Davis. Her studies continued with her acceptance into NYU's prestigious musical theatre program. After four years of intensive study, Gyda emerged onto the off-off Broadway scene, performing with such companies as Gorilla Rep, Inverse Theater, Pilot House, and Ian W. Hill's GeminiCollisonworks. In 2003 she became a reviewer for, which has allowed her to give her opinions on theatre throughout the city.