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xX~Slain Serenity~Xx


About Me

Ello Luffs

Hello, the names Kimberly. I am 13 years old now on March 22. I was born in LA California in the Queen of Angles hospital. My mom had me when she was just 17.So growing up i was around a lot of teenagers. I act very mature for my age sometimes. Growing up I had to be alot more independant because my mom was still just a kid. So by the time I was 5 I could already wash the dishes haha.But anyways I did have my fun moments of being a little kid. I had a lot of pets.I had tarantulas ferrets frogs fishes rats birds dogs cats snakes scorpian.I think there might be more but i dont remeber everything. I am from Nicaragua, Managua, and half from Mexico I dont know where though hahaa. Umm about me I am a very energetic,random,crazy weird,funny. Umm I do have a dark side where i can get very angry at people. Yes, i can tell you off.Yes, i do speak my mind. I think i am a very honest person I say whats on my mind even if it mind be offensive to someone. I ask a lot of weird questions, not only because im curious but because i probably want to know about what ever i ask you about. I can be an air head at time ,yes, but that doesn't mean that im stupid.It just means that i dont want to act like i know it all.Yes, i do understand big words and i know a few myself.Umm what else can i say i value every advice people give me.I look at life as a challenge and sometimes i want to give up but i keep on going. Yes, i have done things that i am not proud of im still trying to make them right.No, im not perfect nor do i try to act perfect. Some people might judge me the wrong way,but i dont care what those people think unless i really value their opinion. A lot of the time i dont get embaressed easily.You can make fun of me and i probably wont get mad because i wont care.I can be very careless sometimes.But i can also be a loving and caring person.I mean i would do anything to see my friends and family members happy,even if it means i might get hurt or im not gonna get something out of it.If you get to know me that well you can probably be one of those people that i would take a bullet for.I am a very artsy person.I do draw a lot mostly when im bored. I started a mural of art on my wall in my room (still not finished,work in progress).I have been influenced a lot by my mother and aunt. My mom has showed me how to stay strong through the toughest times.She has told me that you cant really trust anyone,but i dont know if i really deeply get to know you i could probably trust you.But i must warn you its not that easy. My aunt is literally my best friend for life.She got me interested in art, and photography.She is like my role model as well as my mother. I can tell her about anything and she knows exactly what to say. Now about the things i like... I love art.animals,nature,people,music,poetry,photography,my family,friends, and alchemy art. I listen to a lot of music i am very diverse with my music.But i do mainly stick with screamo, rock, alternative rock, techno,grunge,classic rock,hardcore metal,punk,industrial,and a little rockibilly now and then. I love to have fun dance and make life worth living. I do not "stereotype" myself, if you want to call me emo,punk,goth,preppy,wanna be,greaser,etc. I wont care because i have qualities that fall under all of that and many more.More qualities in some of the categories than others. Umm i do not ask people if they are any sterotype and i do not jump to conclusions about people. I think i should stop here i write a little to much sooo yea enjoy the page,and if you actually read the whole thing CONGRATS!!!!!! you know me just a little bit better. But thats not even the half of it hahaa. If u wanna know more just message me.I like talking to people they are interesting life forms haha. Laterssss byesss n thanks for reading! =]
I ♥
My Asian Colcha
Hey Hey Hey What's Happening Today! Now What Can I Say Bout My Kimmay Babay....She's Hella Crazay! Shes Fresh To Def! Hahaa Ok Ok Enough Rhyming...Well My Kimmy Is Truly Amazazing. Shes Funny! Shes RanDom! Shes LOUD! Shes What I'd Like To Call...A Special Kinda Special! However Not The Kinda Girl You'd Like To Mess With! She Speaks Her Mind And Isn't Afraid Of What you Think..I Admire Her For That! But Other Than That She's Freaking Chill! Shes A Cool Dorky Niece &&& IHY! Haha PEACE! :D

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