Rob Halford, Judas Priest, Abbath, Timo Tolki, Timo Kotieplto, Tony and Jani from SA, Tobias Sammett, Flo, Trey Azgorath, Fuherer.
While on our roadtrip in South Dakota, Brian, Donna, Brendan were in a preety creepy/cool cabin in the middle of no where in the mountins. There were nothing but black roads, and all of that, woods etc... We were playing a game of Kings Cup, which is a fun drinking game, and has this thing where you can pick categorys, and you have to go around the table until someone screws it up. Well Brendan being the smartass he is came up with one called "Things that annoy Tim" So in fashion of that, here are things that annoy me. Give it time, it will get longer..Uncut Grass.
Non John Deere lawnmowers
The other Canadians.
People who sit in the left lane on the highway doing 60.
Places that make shitty burritos
Places that do not have Steak Burritos
Fancy Places that rich kids think is Mexican food. AKA CHIPTOLE!
Non Black Coffee/ Starbucks
Pizza Hot
Getting Sausage outside of Chicago
The simpsons being cut into during Baseball playoffs
Kyle Busch
Juggalos or anything that can even associate with that
The Greatful Dead.
Fox News Channel
The House of Blues
People Who drive shitty cars but try to act like its a Ferrari.
Foreign Cars
Toyta Prius's.
In Flames.
When you order soemthing chicago style, and the place has no idea what that is.
Taco bell fucking up my order.
The People who work at taco bell
Give em more time, I will remember more!