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Hypnotyq Records

We Start the Hits.....You finish them!......

About Me

I was Born In Cap Haitian ,North of haiti. My Mother was not only a poet a songwriter but also an Rn.My Dad was a Teacher and Musician.I Grew up with my Grandma who basicely breastfed me because my Mom had left for the United States since i was 3 months old. I started listening to music probably at the age of 5 or 6 years old.I remember Spending days in front of the radio,switching stations between commercials searching for anything that could please my ear drums,and what i found i felt like i already knew. It didnt take my Grandma long to realize that i was obssessed with music. Now we had a problem,because my parents wanted me to go to school,become a Doctor,Lawyer,an Engineer but never a musician.Now my hours with the radio were limited.I was told that it was interfering with my education, At the age of nine,i met my mother for the first time.She was different, I was surprised to find out that she loved music herslef.We used to sing to- gether ,play basketball together etc.She bought me a walkman that way i wouldnt have to disturb others while im listening to my radio. She used to write a lot of Poetry,she had notebooks full of them.She unders- tood me and had no problem with my passion for music but insisted that i put School first.She left for the States two months later.Still at this point of my life i never knewthat i would become a musician,a producer whatsoever. At the age of eleven my Dad flew to the Caribean to see me. He also brought with him my littler brother Stephan. I couldn’t believe my eyes.My Dad was obssessed with music as well.He had brought his own stereo system,tons of discs and cassettes wich he would spend hours sometimes days listening to.I was loving every second of it.I was always by his side,on his lap or pushing a button.I started messin’ with the E-Qs,trying to put anything to a stage where it’s comfortable to my ears.My Dad started bragging”That’s my son,He got that from me”.He left for the States three months after,and it was me and his stereo.I was experiencing my first recordings etc it was a very pleasant experience for me. At the age of eleven,my Mom and Dad got separated and he came and got me and my brother ,we left for the states.We didnt last long because we werent getting along too well with our Step-Mom. Before we knew it,we were sent back to Haiti where our Mom was waiting. She was very happy to see us,and said that she wasn’t going to leave us again,and that she wanted to be part of our lives e.t.c My radio was always with me wherever i go,even in school. Unfortunately My Mom lost it.She became very abusive and, Started beating up on me for no reason,so that started to pull me away from her more and more day after day.She would invent something to start beating up on me and my Grandma would believe it,until was day she basicely tried to Kill me.I remember her coming from work,pulling me thru my ears,braking up woodden chair leg ,dragged me into a room,locked the door and started beating up on me.When i asked what i did she said you already know what u did. After that day ,our relationship would never be the same.That put a lot of anger inside of me,but i kept it all to myself.I was different too. No one ever had to tell me to do anything.I would come home from school,do my homework with my music in my ears,eat dinner and go to sleep with it. At the age of fifteen,i joined a church nearby and became the youngest member of the choir.That was when i first statrd learning about vocal arrangements,bass tenor,alto,soprano etc. Two months later i was invited to a little group called kool guys wich was made of two of my classmates and me.We started doing shows but didnt go far because of financial problems. But still i would not give up.I was performing at every parties they having at the school,i was rocking the crowd and i soon became one of the most popular kids in the school.I had been part of a few groups like Cacos,Eagle song etc wich didnt last long because of the financial situation of my country. Now that im twenty one and realized that it is almost impossible to make a living doing music im my country,decided to call my Dad in the U.S. I got his number from his brother,my uncle Leroy Jean Fran- cois ,i called him and told him that i wanted to come to the U.S and if he could find me a producer.He laughed in my face and told me to get my mind right. Eventually he flew us to the states,i was very exited.it didnt take me long to realize that my Dad was on the same page as my folks back in Haiti. He wanted me to go to school,become a doctor,a lawyer etc..but never a musician. I started going to school,working two jobs,and started to buy my own recording gear.I found an old keyboard my Dad had somewhere in the house a six track sequencer Casio.That’s when i started my sequencing experience. I used to mumble almost every word of a song in order to sequence it right,becaus there was no undo,copy,or paste on that sequencer,just straight recording. I used to stay late nights,taping on the keys,trying to make a beat while my brother was complaining because he couldn’t sleep.He couoldnt sleep not beacuse i was loud, i had my headphones on,but because of the tapping on the keys and me mumbling some tunes. Now my Dad was makind fun of me when his friends stop by saying “OOOh have you met my son Greg the artist? the superstar? the producer?” I didnt let that get to me tough i kept on doing my thing and recording it on tape. One day my dad,my brother,everybody was fed up with me. I came home from work and found everything on the back porch.This including a seven hundred dollar mixer that i bought,a cassette deck ,a computer etc. I was devastated.We got into an argument,my Dad kicked me out. Now i was on my own.I moved out,rented a room,and kept buying gear.I met a few friends who happened to know about music recording who told me that i needed a recording software, professionnal soundcard ,a computer etc.. That year brought me bad luck.My mom died that same year.I went back to the Caribean for my Mom’s Funeral.When i got back,my room was broken into,most not to say all my gear got stolen,my car dissapeared,my world went upside down. Luckily for me a met a special girl,we started talking,dating,i felt com- fortable with her enough,moved in with her and moved on with my life.Now we were going school together,we graduated together.I started all over.Buying studio equipment,one by one. We moved from Florida to Ohio,because it was cheaper over there ,considering the fact that my rent back in Florida was a mortgage.So here i am, i started my own record label,recorded my own songs,and getting ready to put myself out there.The road was bumpy and rough,but i did not come that far to give up now.I will keep on fighting for what i believe in.I will keep on fighting for my dream even after my death.....I wont give up!..Well there’s a lot of other stuff that i couldnt tell you right now because the time is running ,but hopefully you will learn if ever i decided to write a book about my life....It’s a mystery,it’s a journey that would probably take forever to explain so i had top be brief! Well i hope you enjoy my music,because im trying to be universal,and make music for almost everyone.I know it’s hard to please everyone, but at least i could try to please as much as possible...lol....
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Member Since: 2/3/2007
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Record Label: HypnotyQ Records
Type of Label: Indie