I'd like to meet some people that are interested in having fun & enjoy being social. People who like the beach is are a plus... Partying is always fun but don't usually do the club scene, small local pubs or places that aren't too crowded are best. Beautiful women are always welcome! Well, in general anyone who's Adventurous & Open-Minded.... Positive people, that just try to make the best out of what ever situation. I really enjoy people who have a tendency to make your life richer all around and leave you feeling better off than you were before. I make new friends everywhere I go; It makes life more fun and exciting! Please, No -- haters, wanna-be's, and prudes and no needless Drama. No -- Married engaged, or under age women allowed. No -- Drama, I hate drama queens... can't stand it and Won't Allow It!!! Did I mention "No Drama." I am not here to hear about or be involved with your problems. Just here to meet some cool people, have fun, date and stimulate the mind and body. So ladies, please have an imagination and be able to hold a stimulating conversation. Because if you're all hot flesh and no brains, "Warning! Warning! Warning! I will get bored" Sex is great! but I need more than a physical challenge. So "if you want a shot at the title," applications will be accepted for review ....