Anthony profile picture


It is better to fail at something you love than to succeed at something you hate.

About Me

My favorite sport is baseball. I played both in high school and college. I graduated May 21st, 2005 with a degree in structural engineering from MSOE. I hated the school because there are no women there. I play in a summer baseball league, at least I can still play while my arm heals. Maybe then I can get a try out if everything goes well. I love adventure and hate drama. My job is great, I travel the country and tell people what they need to fix and when to do it. What a great job. I plan on jumping out of a couple of airplanes this summer, and doing whatever comes to mind. Hit me up sometime.
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My Interests

All sports, going out, drinking, partying, adventurous and dangerous things that can get you hurt, living on the edge.


Every kind except country and classical


Name it, I've seen it. All types, and I have a good chance of owning one of them