keyboarding, computer programming, growling, hissing, killing small rodents, cheating death in traffic, beating up my little brother, ralphie, and studying graphs and manuals to calculate patterns in weather systems. also i'm the boss of my street. my bf is a black shoelace. i use liquid paper to cover up my mistakes.
dogs who play poker, hello kitty (i think she's a cutie!), jim jaggers and the live doppler radar, and the siamese hottie across the street
CAT POWER! she was my first true love, but it didn't work out.
i hate garfield, the movie!! my brother thinks he's so cool when he does his garfield imitations. but they're really lame. i like film noir flicks. they're black and white like me.
windows are my televison when it's cold outside and i'm stuck in the house. with my special cat power, i summon squirrels and birds to re-enact civil war battles for my amusement. yesterday, they did a pretty good battle at shiloh. i'd give it 3 and a half stars.
i'm really into sketch books. i like to draw with my sacred paws. i'm also into music theory and labanotation and find dance history books pretty interesting.
tall majestic trees. god bless'em.