p(A)tch(E)s profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Actors, Askers, Authors, Bafflers, Bakers, Beggars, Bombers, Brothers, Builders, Burglars, Campers, Charmers, Chucklers, Clappers, Cookers, Cyclers, Dancers, Darers, Daughters, Dazzlers, Dreamers, Drifters, Drummers, Eaters, Farmers, Fathers, Fiddlers, Fighters, Fixers, Forgers, Gamblers, Gamesters, Gardeners, Gigglers, Givers, Greeters, Grievers, Grocers, Hackers, Healers, Helpers, Hikers, Jesters, Jokers, Kissers, Knitters, Laughers, Learners, Loners, Losers, Mothers, Mourners, Nighters, Nursers, Painters, Pardoners, Pipers, Piratiers!, Planters, Players, Pleasers, Pranksters, Rhymesters, Righters, Roamers, Sculptors, Shouters, Sisters, Slackers, Smashers, Smilers, Soldiers, Sons, Songsters, Speakers, Squatters, Streakers, Strugglers, Tailors, Talkers, Teachers, Teasers, Thankers, Thinkers, Thrivers, Traitors, Troopers, Voters, Weavers, Welders, Winkers, Wishers, Workers, Yellers, Youngsters,You.

My Blog

Defiance Ohio!

Defiance Ohio shows are awesome! I've only had the pleasure twice but both times were amazing! Last night was marvelous. Imagine a small room full of anarcho punks jumping, bumping and climb...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:12:00 GMT

(A) summed uphistory on US trading partners.

Allright. These are the facts. Saddam is a ass to say the least. He's a evil man to say the most. But the fact is that he was at his worst during the 80's. He bombed Isreal with chemical weapons, he c...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Sep 2005 22:34:00 GMT

Gay Marriage.

I'm just gonna go on one of my rants here. This whole gay marriage thing is just a smoke screen issue to distract us from bigger things. Well since we're on this issue anyway, the main arguement I hea...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Jul 2005 23:35:00 GMT