Ok, so my name is Dion. I live in the 7th state in the city of Silver Spring. I always complainabout living here, and about how I wanna move away, but I know that in the end I'd always endup coming back because quite frankly...Maryland is the shit and everywhere else is just a poop stain. I alsoenjoy rainy days a lot. I'm kinda lazy and I sleep a lot when I should be doing somethingelse, so a good cloudy/rainy day makes me happy because the sun is blocked and I get to sleepduring the day. I really don't do shit sometimes and I wonder how I even have friends. Errr,make that friend...with no S. A lot of my friends got kinda weird over the past year and I'drather not bother with them anymore, but ya know...people can never take a hint. I don't pickup the phone, I don't call them, I never make any effort to do anything with them...it's whateverthough. BUT my best friend in the whole world is Mahesh. No matter what, he'll always be my bffeven though we don't get to wreak havoc on the world like we used to. We were/are definitelythe coolest kids in the Beltway. Everyone loved us even though we were mean to them. Maybethey were just fakin' it though. But yeah...more about friends. It's funny how some of them canstart acting weird in the blink of an eye and for some reason you really don't even give a shit. That's just the kind of friend that you only get wasted with anyways and then one day they throw up on your floor and you clean it up, but then they don't even care that they threw up on your floor and you're like "Umm you definitely threw up on my floor last night and I had to clean it up.", and they don't even care that you had to clean up their stinkin ass throw up. OK, enough about all of that. I really need to take a road trip to anywhere. I would do it sooner, but gas prices are ridiculous. I mean, goddamn, what happened to the 90s when gas was like 99 cents a gallon. I guess it's better for the world though that gas is so high because it keeps a lot of the crazy drivers off of the road. People around DC drive like it's bumper cars or somethin'. These people need to get a grip and start using some turn signals or the brake pedal or somethin or have their license revoked. Like the other day this man just started backing out of his parking spot at like 30 mph and almost ran over 5 people. Why was it necessary to back up that fast? I mean, seriously...Even after they screamed and dodged his car, he still kept backing up fast as shit. But yeah...I think that society should be more accepting of cross dressing men because it's just design people, just a piece of fabric. So what if a dude wants to wear a sparkly dress. He's just keeping up with the latest trend. Is that a crime? Ok, I don't even know what I'm talking about now. I'm gonna go do something else. Maybe some homework.