.Running, hangin out with the guys, whenever i can drink thats pretty interesting too! i love watching movies-serious i could watch movies all freaking day!
Bradley Nowell, Jason Bowland, Kevin Fowler and the man who invented beer.Your Girlfriend or if your mom's hot , i think id like to meet her. im not much of a people person-
Sublime, TExAs country, whatever has a good sound to it really, one good thing about music when it hits you, you feel no pain.
I think i loved every movie ive ever watched, i try to find the best in everything. Dazed and Confused- departed-
i dont get to watch much t.v. being in the military so i guess whatever's on.
the last book i read was pretty cool Crazy Fox RemembersTHESE ARE A FEW OF THE LOVELY LADIES IN MY LIFE. BECKA-MY SISTERMOM!
The guy who invented beer, see through clothing, joking. hereos the men and women in the military. We are the shit. My mother , anybody who knows her knows what im talking about. She's pretty cool lady, shes mom to alot of people and vicki may