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alex radus

About Me

The music of Philadelphia-based singer/songwriter, Alex Radus, is difficult to describe in conventional genre terms. Coming from the songwriting school that versatility is a Good Thing, his newest release, LoveMeLikeYouHateMe, spans the gulf from Americana TrashCan Blues, to Post-Folk, Acoustic SadBastard and Country Noir. Fans have added their two cents over the years with “Jeff Buckley meets Ryan Adams,” and “Chet Baker meets Tom Waits over a cup of coffee with Martin Sexton.”
LoveMeLikeYouHateMe is Radus’s debut solo release, after having toured and recorded with the Folk Noir duo, Duende from 2000-2005. With Duende, Radus brought his music coast to coast and abroad, receiving international critical acclaim. Duende also built a strong following in the New York City Anti-Folk scene, performing with acts such as Regina Spektor, Nellie McKay, Lach and Chris Barron. After the dissolution of Duende, Radus returned to academia, but kept one foot in the music world, beginning to piece together a strong solo repertoire. Although musicianship and songwriting are integral to Radus’ approach, it is his voice which consistently leaves audiences breathless and coming back for more.
Radus performs extensively both with his full band, Alex Radus and The SadBastards, and as a solo act, and is able to command both roles with ease. On 7.7.7, Radus released LoveMeLikeYouHateMe to a packed room at Piano’s in NYC before embarking on a summer-long tour in support of his new release. Radus was very well received on tour, selling hundreds of CD’s to new fans in New York City, Portland, Portsmouth, Burlington, Boulder, Denver and Phonix to name a few. To cap off the summer’s festivities, Radus returned home for his Philadelphia CD Release at the Tin Angel. The evening was a smashing success and buzz around the show earned Radus mentions in three successive issues of Philadelphia’s City Paper.
Radus is currently in search of a label and management to help make his budding solo career a success. LoveMeLikeYouHateMe is a strong debut showing, but the songwriter has a much larger bag of tricks and is anticipating an equally mature and accessible sophomore showing.
For East Coast Booking, Contact Lori Donavan @ The Fourth Leaf Company
For West Coast Booking, Contact Philip Einsohn @ Only the Best Booking [email protected]
View Alex Radus's EPK
All other inquiries should be directed to [email protected]
Fans of Duende, Alex's past project with Maria Woodford ( can download the 2-disc final Duende show - recorded at the legendary Godfrey Daniels before a sold out crowd. A must have for Duende fans - or anyone who loves some good acoustic Americana!
"[Love Me Like You Hate Me] is impressive...eerie, intense and wonderful."
Josh Berk
The Morning Call, Allentown
"Philly's lo-fi noir jazz-punk-blues-C&W...think an un-annoying Chris Isaac. Plus, he's got the best new CD title, 'Love Me Like You Hate Me.'"
A.D. Amorosi
City Paper, Philadelpiha
"Love this guy...'Love Me Like You Hate Me' is a MUST HAVE CD from one of Philly's best musicians."
Cindy, host of Kinetic
"Connicky crooner"
City Paper, Philadelphia
“Alex brings an uncanny measure of refinement to the songwriting craft. His wit and wisdom come to light in lyrics that are poignant and sophisticated. His guitar work gravitates between inspired and brilliant. In short - this kid can cook."
Chris Poh, WDVR.
"Radus is a master guitarist whose songwriting continues to flourish."
Bob Makin, Courier News, NJ.
"A+ material."
The Hook, Charlottesville, VA.
"Alex Radus is one skillful fretman who seems poised to break out."
The Morning Call, PA

My Interests


Member Since: 5/8/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
View Alex Radus's EPK


Alex Radus: vocals, guitar, bass, frame bell and mallot, percussion, juno, piano, fauxbro, banjo, brushn’jo.

Lance Davis: backing vocals, drums, percussion, programming, tompani.

Chris Horne: lead guitar on Call Them Blue, percussion.

Mikey G: percussion.

All songs written by Alex Radus except Spin the Bible, written by Alex Radus and Carla Catanzareti.

"Disorganized Religion" Filmed and Edited by Juan Hardy

Filmed at Philafunk Live, Philadelphia, PA

The obscenely talented Lance Davis performing his song, "Sea, Sky and I." In between creating beautiful music and generally being awesome, Lance also found the time to produce my new record, "Love Me Like You Hate Me."
Influences: Nathan Moore, Mark Knopfler, Martin Sexton, Ani DiFranco, The Moldy Peaches, Jeff Buckley, ThaMuseMeant, Warren Zevon, Tom Waits, Radiohead, Django Reinhardt, Tori Amos, Chet Baker, Frank Sinatra, Pete Seeger, Chris Thomas King, Wilco, Andy Waldeck, Johnny Cash, Emmylou Harris, Gillian Welch and David Rawlings
Sounds Like: Ryan Adams, Martin Sexton, Jeff Buckley, (new) Bob Dylan, (some) Tom Waits
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

On energy, not being bilingual, and the shortcomings of history

The theme for Saturday night was batteries.oh wait. I jumped ahead....Welcome back to Tour-Blog!--a collection of the inane, sentimental, adventurous, drunken and misremembered events of Winter Tour. ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 09:20:00 GMT

digital killed the analog star

Damn! you crazy cats been buying lots o' Love Me Like You Hate Me in the digital world! The digital download sites only report once every 4 months or so. Looks like y'all been blowin up iTunes...thank...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:19:00 GMT

Im a picky SOB

Over the years I've earned a reputation among my friends as 'the musician who hates to listen to music.' (I know, it's not very catchy...maybe an acronym? The MWHLM? No...) It's not really about hatin...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 10:08:00 GMT

Let’s be awesome.

Remember the good ol' days when men wore ties and ladies wore dresses and upscale hotels were the places to hear great music?No? Me either.But I've seen it in those black and white movies and damn it ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 14:48:00 GMT

song Tony likes

i made a promise to a childin front of Godto guide her sinning soulto the light of the Lord but i believe she's good insideand knows more than i the water dripped down on her noseand she was purifieda...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 10:20:00 GMT

Pertaining to optics, snowballs and setting reasonable goals

today my host, Top Notch, drove me far into the mountains, past a little town called Nederland, right to the continental divide. we found a no-parking sign, parked under it, and began threading our wa...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 17:43:00 GMT

barrelling towards denver at a speed of now or never

Yesterday morning I woke up at 7. At 7:30 I had eggs. By 8:30 I was at Philadelphia airport. 9 o'clock--in a bullet-proof isolation booth. At 9:15 a man with rubber gloves on asked me why I was n...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 13:02:00 GMT


Meg White is even CUTER in person, and Jack White effing ROCKS.I've seen orchestras, 11-piece brass bands, gigantic lick-crazy rock crap starring 15 guitar players jamming on 1/4/5 ala rocknroll hall ...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:58:00 GMT

Do you want a beer?

"I'd rather claw my eyes out."That was an exchange I had a few minutes 7:30 am. This morning I woke up in the backseat of a car...not mine, just A car. There was a person in the front passeng...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 05:04:00 GMT

Unwelcome to Vermont, sleeping in bars, and other near-misses, but all-ends happily

on tuesday night I fell asleep in a bar. that's ok, though, cause it was also a church, and I was definately looking for sanctuary. on my first night with no place to sleep, I thought I was down on my...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 12:49:00 GMT