P R O F E S S I O N A L L Y Scriptwriters/Film producers and/or directors. Casting directors and/or anyone who can get me PAID performing arts work - especially acting for film, TV and/or theatre.Live music show producers looking for stage management, live act co-ordination,MC/Compere.Sound systems looking for old school chatters/toasters...lol.Dance Show choreographers - for my son who's absolutely brilliant at streetdance although he's only 12!People interested in the creative arts - especially drama and acting.Highly motivated people from all walks of life especially entrepreneurs.People with good debating skills.P E R S O N A L L YI have countless associates and friends but dont see enough of anyone. Partly because of distance and partly because I had a big problem in maintaining and nurturing my friendships. That's all changed though 'cos as of (28/06/07)- God Bless you VALERIE GRIER - I'm on a mission. A mission to renew old friendships, nurture acquaintances and KEEP THE LINK.To do this though - I need a lot of help from you. It's really quite simple. If you already know me, send me a FRIEND REQUEST - ESPECIALLY if you're OLD SCHOOL BATTERSEA PEEPS or '87-'94 BLACK HEROES cast and/or crew! - Or even GARRATT GREEN GIRLS and - this is really pushing it lol)-BELLEVILLE PRIMARY in the 1970's.If you would like to know me SEND ME A MESSAGE - NOT A FRIEND REQUEST. (Please note that I am on myspace to network and am DEFINITELY NOT!NOT!NOT!Not!looking for any romantic liaisons.)I'll check this page and get back to you.My aim is to touch base with 10 people I already know by the end of every month, network with artistic entrereneurs and maintain the links I make.Thanks all - Mwaaaaah!