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Worst Evil

About Me

Il gruppo nasce nel luglio 2005, quando i due chitarristi ( Elia e Andrea), dopo duri anni di ricerca, riescono a trovare gli altri componenti. Le prove hanno inizio in un capannone di una fabbrica e, dopo mesi di lavoro intenso, tutto sembrava andare per il meglio, fino a quando il loro primo cantante, se ne va’ per motivi ancora sconosciuti ma…NIENTE PAURA! Vanno avanti senza arrendersi e , non solo hanno trovato l’appoggio di Cristian ( vocalist degli SCALA MERCALLI & IBRIDOMA), il quale ha dato loro la possibilità di regalare bellissime serate in giro per la zona, ma sono anche riusciti a scovare un locale nei pressi di Montecosaro Scalo, diventato poco dopo la loro sala prove. Mai pensare che la fortuna sia sempre dalla tua parte....,infatti nel giugno 2006, Enrico ( batterista), abbandona il gruppo ma viene immediatamente rimpiazzato da Carlo ( fratello di Lorenzo – Bass). Nel luglio 2006, il gruppo deve lasciare anche questa sala prove, perché il locale viene affittato ad altri. Con tutti questi brutti eventi sembra quasi la fine per i WORST EVIL, ma il loro bisogno di far musica li attrae verso un locale tetro, lugubre e abbandonato, che cade in mille pezzi! Da settembre a gennaio, paletta, cemento e stucco prendono il posto degli strumenti e, quello che era un posto anonimo e isolato, diventa la loro SALA PROVE UFFICIALE! Nel frattempo hanno trovato un nuovo cantante, Fabio, e la band inizia a sfornare pezzi propri. Dopo qualche mese, il gruppo decide che è tempo di sostituire la voce maschile con quella femminile, giusto per dare un tocco e un sound originali alla loro musica; infatti il 18 marzo 2007 entra Laura come vocalist. Sembrava che i WORST EVIL finalmente fossero al completo ma Carlo ha dovuto abbandonare e, al suo posto entra un perfetto "WORST" drummer FILIPPO (Pippo) e da giugno 2007 Elia, Andrea, Laura, Lorenzo e Pippo continuano a regalare la loro musica con l’intento di divertirsi e , soprattutto, DIVERTIRE!!! Cominciate a tremare perché a settembre c’è la registrazione del loro primo DEMO … e vi dirò che stanno TROPPO AVANTI!
THE WORST EVIL STORYThe band began playing in July 2005 when the two guitarist (Elia & Andrea), after a few years of passion for music and hard research, were able to find the other components to form The Worst Evil Band. Initially, rehearsals were performed in a room of a factory complex. After a few months of hard work everything seemed to go well until the vocalist, for unknown reasons left the group. No loss! Cristian, the singer of SCALA MERCALLI & IBRIDOMA, helped the Worst Evil to move forward momentarily. They were also able to find a new rehearsal room in Montecosaro Scalo, near their home town. Never ever think that luck is always on your side as in June 2006, the drummer leaves the group and is immediately replaced by Carlo (Lorenzo’s - BASS - brother). Rehearsals continue until the rehearsal room had to be rented to others. With so many sad events it seemed the end for The Worst Evil but with so much inspiration for music and without giving up, they finally found an abandoned house with shattered rooms and spider webs, full of dirt and dust and falling to pieces! From September through to January with a bit of cement on hand and so much good will so that they could continue to create their music, one of the rooms were amazingly turned in to their new final rehearsal room. In the meantime they found a new singer, Fabio and the group begins to write their own tests and music sounds. After a while, the group decides it’s time to replace the male voice with a female voice to give an additional touch and sound, and this was a very good decision as Laura joined the group on the 18th of March 2007, replacing Fabio. At that point it seemed that the Worst Evil was finally settled but Carlo had to leave. NO PROBLEM! As Filippo (Pippo), a fabulous "WORST" drummer joined the group & since June 2007 , Elia Andrea, Laura, Lorenzo & Pippo continue to play their music around places with the intent to enjoy themselves and share with their own generation and older generations their live music and fierce sounds. They also won with their songs many music competitions around their region, so in September they decided to record a demo with 4 songs with the intent to grow up and maybe find somebody that seriously believe in them. Everything was ready when Laura, in February, had to leave the group for her personal problem. The WORST EVIL were destroyed, but in that exact moment something happen… the LUCK for one time was with them, because Elisa (Laura’s sister), that is a singer for long time with a lot of experience with groups, was living her group too, so one night the WORST EVIL asked her to do a trial together. It was love from the first note she sang… her strong, warm and powerful voice was perfect for the WORST EVIL songs and from that moment she became their official singer. A new beginning was inaugurated also with a new room were every week ANDREA, ELIA, ELISA, LORENZO AND PIPPO meet each other and play together their music, because for a new life you need everything new around you. Now the WORST EVIL feel more STRONG and DETERMINATED to try the best is possible to become somebody in the magic world of music!!! HEY GUYS… LET’S START!!!!!!!
Review on Hard'n Hevy ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Review on Metal Wave ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Review on Metal Empire ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Review on metal.de DEUTSCH LANGUAGE
Review on metalglory.de DEUTSCH LANGUAGE
Review on metal-zone ITALIAN LANGUAGE
Review on Holy Metal ITALIAN LANGUAGE

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2007
Band Members:



January 2008
Waiting demo

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Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Intervista su Hardn Heavy

Intervista sulla 'zine HARD'N HEAVY http://www.hardnheavy.org/modules.php?name=Content2&pa=s howpage&pid=105 Alla prossima!
Posted by on Fri, 30 May 2008 05:32:00 GMT

Review on metalglory.de ITALIAN LANGUAGE TRANSLATE

Per quanto riguarda i demo dall'Italia, quando io accendo il mio iPod mi tremano perlopiù le ginocchia. Qualche volta a torto. E questo è il caso del primo demo "Dying Man" della ancora giovane forma...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 00:02:00 GMT


 REVIEW ON METAL.DE Quando ci si mette a fare la recensione di un Demo, si fa prima con scrupolo poi con speranze. Ma qualche volta questi prodotti , che devono trasmettere la prima impressione d...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 00:04:00 GMT

first review on Hardn Heavy

DIRECT LINK: http://www.hardnheavy.org/modules.php?name=%20Encyclopedia&a mp;op=content&tid=62 Nonostante il lavoro d’artwork che compone questo debutto ufficiale, possa far pensare il contra...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 04:36:00 GMT


Saturday January 19 will be included in our myspace four songs extracted from our demo "Dying man". The songs are titled: Noisy night Learn to fly (Ramstein 1988) Damned life Dying manYou can purcha...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 06:40:00 GMT