Born 1st of february, 1984 in a small village called Dehiwhala, Sri Lanka.I was adopted by a swedish family, and raised in Umeå, the northeast coast
of Sweden, with my "axe" at hand,
starting with the kindergarten guitar at age four. I guess when I said,
at that age, that I wanted to be a rockstar- my parents knew it was
time to shop for earplugs,- or a new apartment for me. Or them...I started writing music when I was very young, but then, post my
teen- years I moved to Spain. Just for the hell of it.I learned a lot- about musical shows. Which wasn't excactly my plan, but
hey! My Bad...
Back in Sweden again now, after four years on the run. Mallorca, Sevilla,
Barcelona, Stockholm, and now... at last, again, Umea. My Hometown...Hope to see you at my gigs!/ MarcuzWrite Me!