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I am here for Friends

About Me

Heineken?! Fuck that shit!

My Interests

I like learning about things that make me feel insignificant like the Mandelbrot set and large flying bison named Appa. I love playing drums for WORLDBREAKERAnd I love my dog(s) and I love Drew Kelly.


ScreamArticles of FaithLouis PrimaVerdi


Paper MoonThe Turd ManThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligarithe 39 Steps John Carpenter's The Thing Wings of Desire "He say you brade lunna"Hellraiser Mulholland Dr.Batman Returns Kagemusha Army of Darkness HG2TG (Both versions)BRAZILLa Belle et La Bete A Night at the Opera Dawn of the Dead(1978)LOTRStalag 17The Brave Little ToasterJurassic Park Empire Strikes BackThe Madman's Time MachineAll things Burton, Miyazaki, Lynch, Gilliam, and Coen Bros.


I prefer shows of the genre: "World's Blankiest Blank"


HARPO SPEAKSAmerican HardcoreOut of the Silent PlanetHG2TGThe Once and Future KingSophie's World TolkienThe Killer Angels The Collected works of Ryan M. Hastings (especially Haunted Ant Hills)


HARPO MARX Frank WelkerIan MRalph Steadman

My Blog

get to know me

1. The phone rings, who do you want it to be?abe lincoln2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?I usually place my cart in the parking spot riiiight next to the cart bay, just t...
Posted by smashie on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 08:21:00 PST