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Massimo Aiello

About Me
SHORT ARTISTIC CURRICULA (Last update: Updated July, 2008)MASSIMO AIELLO was born in Naples July 22, 1966. Independent drummer and teacher. Artistical and musical collaborator. Author.He is primarily self-taught in musical research and started studiyng music at 10 years. Massimo studied, with very good results, with various important drum teachers in Italy (T. De Piscopo, W. Calloni) in early 80’s and the most prestigious of all Maestro Enrico Lucchini, one of the most appreciated teachers in the world, in years 70’s teacher in the Dante Agostini and Kenny Clarke drum school of Paris, revolutionary teacher for the drum’s didactic in Italy and irreplaceable even today.He has attended different high-level clinics in drumming and ensemble performance, with important teachers. He has been teaching with good results his own “Rhythm Psychology”, which he conceived as a way to communicate his didactic-musical research on the interpretation of rhythmic subdivisions.The same concepts are included, from the first lesson on, in the classes that has been independently teaching since 1986, he uses, along with different methods, his own “THE COMPLETE DRUMS' METHOD” (“METODO COMPLETO PER BATTERIA” in Italian language version). This book, including some new lesson concepts and more, after many years of experimentation and elaboration, has been improved. From 1976 to now Massimo Aiello has been playing with nearly 100 Italian and foreign bands, using more than 40 different musical styles (Big-Band, Classical, Pop, Rock, Latin-jazz, Fusion, Jazz, Ethnic, Acoustic, Folk, Song-writers, Covers, Disco-music, Funky-jazz, Jazz-rock, Progressive, Military corps, Experimental, Argentinean Tango-jazz, Musette, Swing, Film-music, music for theatre, Electro-pop, Italian populars dance, Contemporary music, New age, Dixieland and many more....), both as a professional and an amateur player, always approaching each experience, no matter if big or small, with a natural spirit of studying and researching. He recorded various CDs of various genres with drums, percussion and sometime as artistical-producer or musical-collaborator. He has collaborated/played also with/or for important producers/musicians like Aldo Tagliapietra, 1988-1991 (leader of "Le Orme", international rock-progressive group), Athos Bassissi, from 1985 on (1994, in France, 1st prize as the best accordionist of the world in the “Fisarmonica Varietè”), Sandro Colombini, 1989 (great Italian producer), Ricky Gianco (popular pop singer/composer in Italy), Tullio De Piscopo, 1993 (the most famous drummer in Italy), Vince Tempera, 2000 (one of the most important composer/conductor in Italy), Roberto Vernetti, 2007 (1st prize as the best independent producer in Italy in the year 2005) and with various national or international jazz musicians and many others. He participated as a soloist or with groups to some cultural, social and political events where played in the same evenings famous groups like Inti Illimani, Curiosity Killed The Cat, Kool and the Gang, Gipsy King, I Nomadi (one of the most Italian popular group), C.S.I. (another Italian popular group), etc..The work that most characterizes him is own original solo performance “TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN” in which he play drums on a recording of the 9th Symphony. The performance lasts about 80 minutes and has encountered a great success since 1987 in theathers, squares, churches, educational institutes, theather festivals. And it is also available since 2001 on CD, “TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN - Drum In The Symphony no.9”, produced and with international distribution by Azzurra Music S.r.l. - - (see videos, mp3, etc. in This first Aiello’s CD as a soloist has received very good different specialized and/or music magazines in many countries all over the world (like: Classic Drummer - U.S.A., Sticks - Germany, Drums & Percussion - Germany, Batteur - France, Skug - Austria, See Saw - Moscow/Russia, Jazzit - Italy, Percussioni - Italy and others from U.S.A., Germany, Holland, Australia, Canada, Norwey, Greece, Italy....) between these the authoritative international drums magazine, the number 1 in the world, “MODERN DRUMMER”, (2004, april issue) and PAS-Percussive Arts Society, (2007, february issue), since 1961 the greatest organization of percussion of the world; besides it is programmed in different Radios and TVs, very important too, in many countries (see reviews and radios and TVs in the August 2005 Massimo Aiello is been inserted (with relative link to his website) in the DRUMMERWORLD’s Wishlist, the website number 1 in the world as reference for drummers.Currently:he keeps (currently in Veneto - Italy) teaching his clinics (since 1986), always acknowledged and appreciated in his own circuits for the enthusiasm with which Massimo educates to music (see Course Teaching program). He is working at own personal didactic and/or discographic project (see Personal Project and/or Discography and/or Extended Artistic Curricula and/or listen some CD's mp3).For others updates and Live see the new section: Personal Projects & Live on StageHe is always willing to make discography and/or alive projects: FOR COURSES INFO - VENETO: PADOVA (ITALY) AND/OR COLLABORATIONS:[email protected] - PHONE (ITALY): +39 347.8752063He's registered at the S.I.A.E. - Società Italiana Autori ed Editori (autors and editors italian society) since 2002.Last update: February 14th 2008CURRICULUM ARTISTICO BREVE (Aggiornato al 14 Febbraio 2008).MASSIMO AIELLO Nato a Napoli il 22 Luglio 1966. Batterista e insegnante indipendente. Collaboratore artistico e musicale. Autore.Prevalentemente autodidatta nella ricerca musicale, inizia lo studio della musica a 10 anni. Fin dai primi anni ’80 frequenta con ottimo profitto vari corsi con alcuni tra i piu' importanti insegnanti di batteria in Italia (T. De Piscopo, W. Calloni), fra cui il pi.. prestigioso quello del Maestro Enrico Lucchini, uno dei pi.. quotati insegnanti a livello internazionale, gia' insegnante negli anni settanta nella scuola di Dante Agostini e Kenny Clarke a Parigi, rivoluziono' l’insegnamento della batteria in Italia e ancor oggi .. insostituibile.Ha seguito vari seminari di batteria e di musica d’insieme di alto livello anche con importanti didatti. Ha tenuto sempre con buoni risultati alcuni stage di "Psicologia del Ritmo" da lui ideati nell’esposizione della ricerca didattico-musicale sull’interpretazione della suddivisione ritmica. Inserisce i concetti degli stage fin dal principio nei suoi corsi indipendenti tenuti fin dal 1986, nel quale utilizza fra i vari metodi anche il"METODO COMPLETO PER BATTERIA"di cui e' autore. Il testo, con inclusi anche alcuni nuovi concetti d’insegnamento e altro, e' stato sperimentato con buoni risultati per anni, rielaborato e perfezionato, e' da Marzo 2006 pubblicato direttamente da Aiello, stampato in proprio con Copyright internazionale e senza nessun editore di riferimento e distribuito in tutta Italia da ARES Distribuzione-Verona-Italy (Info acquisti: tel.: 045.576222).Massimo Aiello dal 1976 ad oggi ha suonato in quasi 100 formazioni musicali italiane e straniere, sia a livello professionale che non ed anche con artisti di fama nazionale e/o internazionale (Aldo Tagliapietra de Le Orme, Ricky Gianco e altri), passando, con estro professionale, attraverso ben oltre 40 stili musicali diversi, ponendosi in ogni esperienza, piccola o grande, sempre con un naturale spirito di studio e di ricerca. In alcune situazioni ha collaborato/suonato anche con o per importanti produttori/musicisti come Sandro Colombini, T. De Piscopo, Vince Tempera, Roberto Vernetti, Renato Geremia e altri.Ha partecipato come solista /ospite o in gruppi ad eventi culturali e/o socio-politico-culturali dove vedevano protagonisti la stessa sera anche formazioni di rilievo come: Inti Illimani, i Nomadi, Gipsy King, C.S.I., Curiosity killed the cat, Kool and the Gang e altre (vedi alcuni particolari nel Curriculum Artistico Esteso).Il lavoro che piu' lo contraddistingue e' il suo originale spettacolo solista "TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN" nel quale si esibisce sulla base registrata della Nona Sinfonia. Lo spettacolo ha una durata di circa 80 minuti ed .. proposto al pubblico sempre con grande successo fin dal 1987 in teatri, piazze, chiese, istituti didattici, spettacoli teatrali, etc. (vedi alcuni Video, alcune Recensioni, alcune Foto nel sito).Questo primo CD solista di Aiello e' stato recensito molto positivamente da varie riviste specializzate in vari paesi del mondo, tra cui nel 2004 dall'autorevole rivista internazionale di batteria, numero 1 nel mondo,"MODERN DRUMMER", (n° di Aprile 2004)e nel 2007 dallaPAS-Percussive Arts Society, (n° di Febbraio '07),dal 1961 la pi.. grande organizzazione di percussione del mondo ed .. considerata la fonte centrale per informazione e networking per i percussionisti ed i batteristi di tutte le discipline musicali (vedi nel sito anche Recensioni, Interviste, Critiche, ecc. del CD in Italia e nel mondo); inoltre viene introdotto nelle programmazioni di varie TV e Radio, anche importanti, in vari paesi del mondo (vedi anche Radio e TV in Italia e nel mondo per il CD).E dal 2004 aggiunge allo suo spettacolo solista TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN anche i brani della Quinta Sinfonia dal suo CD-DEMO solista (del 2004), "TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN 2 - Drum Improvisation On The Symphony no. 5", che, come dice il titolo “Drum Improvisation On The Symphony no.5”, a differenza del primo CD “Drum In The Symphony no.9”, offre un’interpretazione quasi totalmente basata sull’improvvisazione “sopra” la Quinta, invece che su di una vera e propria partitura di batteria con poca improvvisazione e scritta per risultare “dentro” alla Nona Sinfonia (ascolta alcuni mp3 dei CD nel sito).Da agosto 2005 M. Aiello .. stato inserito, con relativo link diretto al proprio sito, nella Wishlist diDRUMMERWORLD,il sito numero 1 al mondo di riferimento del settore.Attualmente:continua a tenere (attualmente in Veneto) i suoi corsi indipendenti (fin dal 1986), da sempre conosciuti e apprezzati nei propri circuiti per il trasporto con cui Massimo educa alla musica (vedi Programma Didattico nel sito). Segue alcuni progetti personali di tipo didattico e/o discografico in fase di realizzazione (vedi sempre sito).Per altri ulteriori aggiornamenti e Live: nel sito. PER INFO CORSI - VENETO: PADOVA E/O COLLABORAZIONI:[email protected] - TEL.: 347.8752063.E' iscritto alla S.I.A.E. - Societ.. Italiana Autori ed Editori dall' anno 2002 come Autore e Compositore.Nel sito CURRICULUM ARTISTICO ESTESO, programma didattico, video, mp3, foto, ecc..Aggiornato al 14 febbraio 2008

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: IN: MANY:MP3'S,VIDEOS,REVIEWS ON CD TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN (Modern Drummer-U.S.A, PAS-Percussive Arts Society-U.S.A, Classic Drummer-U.S.A., Sticks-Germany, Drums & Percussion-Germany, Skug-Austria, Batteur-France, See Saw-Russia and many important more....)TVs and RADIOS for CD TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN (Mackenzie-Morel Entertainment: E!, MTV, ABC and more-U.S.A., ATLANTA CHANNEL and more 6 TV-NETWORK-U.S.A. and more TVs; BEETHOVEN RADIO-U.S.A., BLUE BIRD RADIO-London, RADIO ENCICLOPEDIA-Cuba, ARINFO-Argentina, RADIO-JAZZ-INTERNATIONAL-Swiss, D&E Comunicacao de Ràdio-Brasil, CAMPUS FM-UNIVERSITY of MALTA-Malta and many-many more....PHOTOS,ARTISTIC CURRICULA IN DETAIL,THE SOLOIST SHOW,THE DRUMS METHOD,DIDACTIC PROGRAM,ETC.IN: www.massimoaiello.comRECORDING SESSION CD TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN-Drum in the Symphony No.9 - April, 2001 More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....RECORDING SESSION CD TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN-Drum in the Symphony No.9 - April, 2001 More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....December, 12th, 1987 - My 1th soloist show TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN (this is a short extracts....) More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....December, 12th, 1987 - My 1th soloist show TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN (this is another short extracts....) More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....December, 12th, 1987 - My 1th soloist show TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN (this is another short extracts....) ....cross on cymbals....!!!!???? More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....January, 1th, 2005 - My soloist show TRIBUTE TO BEETHOVEN on 1th day of year 2005 in the churche for the peace day. NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....and the drums have to much high volume because the videocamera is to much close to it....
Influences: Drummers: Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Steve Gadd, Omar Hakim, Alex Acuna, Peter Erskine, Kenny Clarke, Jack De Jonhette, Tommy Aldrige, Phil Collins, Ricky Lawson and many more. Percussionists: Trilok Gurtu, Mino Cinelu, Airto Moreira, Manolo Badrena, Tito Puente, Don Alias and many more. Classical: Beethoven, Stravinsky, Mozart, Chopin and many more....Musicians: Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Rubinstein, Rostropovich, Pollini, Askenasi, Maria Callas, Caruso and many more; Conductors: Arturo Toscanini, Karajan, Abbado, Daniel Oren and many more. And than: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Archie Shepp, Pastorius, Pino Daniele (ols albums), Zawinul, Shorter, McLaughlin, Hanchok and many many more: bands: Weather Report, Jehtro Tull, Steps Haed, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and many many more....
Sounds Like: MASSIMO AIELLO....! More photos in my web site....2004- LIBERTANGO (Astor Piazzolla) with Athos Bassissi on bandoneon known in Italy and abroad with the nickname of “Tanguero Italiano” (tangos from Argentina, Jazz, Walzer-Musette & Javà), he was winner of very important national and international prizes, so in 1994 in France the Prize as the best accordionist of the world in the “Fisarmonica Varietè” and he has collaborated with a big artistes....this song is including in the CD Metropolis by A.Bassissi where I partecipated with drums and percussion................................................. More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....Brushes impro on Javà.... More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....PART 1 : 2006- I PLAY ON CD....INVITATION by JACO PASTORIUS BIG BAND (!!!)....videos from one lesson by Aiello on Psycology of the rhythm, interpretation of the rhithmic subdivision, music in group, guides to listens of music, technique, etc. The drums is plugged with double rubber layers and cloth like ulterior exercise in order to gain some you play more difficultly beyond that in order to train itself on the high volumes much for the just impact of music. More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....PART 2 : 2006- I PLAY ON CD....INVITATION by JACO PASTORIUS BIG BAND (!!!)....videos from one lesson by Aiello on Psycology of the rhythm, interpretation of the rhithmic subdivision, music in group, guides to listens of music, technique, etc. The drums is plugged with double rubber layers and cloth like ulterior exercise in order to gain some you play more difficultly beyond that in order to train itself on the high volumes much for the just impact of music. More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....2006- I PLAY ON CD....TEARS FOR FEARS....videos from one lesson by Aiello on Psycology of the rhythm, interpretation of the rhithmic subdivision, music in group, guides to listens of music, technique, etc. The drums is plugged with double rubber layers and cloth like ulterior exercise in order to gain some you play more difficultly beyond that in order to train itself on the high volumes much for the just impact of music. More videos on YOUTUBE and in my web site.... NOT PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS: IT IS ADVISED A EQUALIZATION TO PLEASURE....Massimo Aiello play drums on cd: Roxane (The Police).... Fun/Lesson 2008, November ....more videos on youtube and into website....Massimo Aiello play drums on cd: Message In A Bottle (The Police).... Fun/Lesson 2008, November ....more videos on youtube and into website....Massimo Aiello play drums on cd: Bad (M. Jackson).... Fun/Lesson 2008, November ....more videos on youtube and into website....Massimo Aiello play drums on cd: Eye of the tiger (Survivor).... Fun/Lesson 2008, November ....more videos on youtube and into website....

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