John Kappas profile picture

John Kappas

The Official John Kappas Myspace!

About Me

Hey, welcome to my myspace page!
Feel free to message/comment and tell me what's on your mind.
"The thriving city of Los Angeles exposed Kappas to music at an early age, with the budding songwriter taking up instruments as early as 7 years old, when he began to learn classical piano. He switched to a contemporary jazz method of training at the age of 11, learning cello and playing in the school orchestra in the process. After surrounding himself in an array of influences and taking up two full-time instruments, Kappas began writing his own songs at the age of 14 in 2004. As he declares in the introduction of "I Want You" by stating fastidiously, "Putting my thoughts into words into notes and rhythm - now I'm ready to fight and defend," Kappas' lyrical content is very much in the mindset of a developing social observer, accepting the occasional defeat as a means to gain experience. Kappas claims that much of his lyrical content is derived from the people and real-life situations that compose his own life, with "problems and situations faced in adolescence and growing into adulthood" being a revolving theme. Though those who aspire for psychologically provoking lyrics with metaphorical contexts and political musings may find the content to be somewhat elementary, Kappas' outspoken honesty and genuine output is what establishes him as an emotionally ardent tour-de-force."
Mike Mineo
Hey, this is John and welcome to my myspace page! You may or may not know me so let me tell you a little about myself. I live in Los Angeles, California, and have lived here my entire life. I love hanging out with friends, and enjoying the never ending amount of things to do in LA. I enjoy all genres of music, and have a pretty wide range of favorite artists. My number one priority is living life to the fullest, and affecting the world for the better. Friends and family are a really important thing in my life, and i think that my music often reflects that.
Wanna help out? If you enjoy the music, let people know! Tell your friends/family about me. I'm a musician that just needs to be heard and every single fan counts!
Put me in your profile!
Put me in your profile!
Feel free to send messages, i try to read/reply to every message i recieve, but unfortunately, sometimes i'm just not on here enough to reply to everyone. But i do love what i have time to read and appreciate the support!
"It Might Take Awhile" featured song of the day, December 26th 2007 on

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2007

Sounds Like: Imogen Heap, Jack Johnson
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Ahhhh!!! So Close...

School has been keeping me SO busy lately, and this week has been super hectic. But i'm excited to say, that "Come Back to LA" is ALMOST done. It's soooo close, and it sounds really great! I'll be r...
Posted by John Kappas on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:33:00 PST

About to leave for the show!

So i'm about to leave for the show, in Santa Monica...Thursday after school I recorded a guitar part for "Come Back to LA," with Ms. Frankie DeFusco, a good friend of mine...which really gave me an id...
Posted by John Kappas on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 01:53:00 PST

New Videos on Youtube!!!

Hey. So i promised all of you guys that i would start posting in my blog more, as well as posting more youtube videos.So here are some new videos for you guys!!!
Posted by John Kappas on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 03:55:00 PST

School starts tomorrow. :-(

So bummed!Today is the last day of Spring Break.I haven’t made AS MUCH progress as i would have liked to on my music... but i definitely made some progress. Hopefully now that spring break is o...
Posted by John Kappas on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 06:12:00 PST

Youtube videos?!?!

So today was a pretty productive day. I’m still working on the new song "Come Back to LA," and it should be pretty cool.I’ve decided that i’m going to start posting more youtube vid...
Posted by John Kappas on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:09:00 PST

Back from the east coast!!!

So i just got back from the east coast last night and I’m absolutely exhausted. I spent 7 days looking at colleges up and down the east coast. There were some colleges i absolutely loved, and ...
Posted by John Kappas on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:07:00 PST

Check out this video of me harmonizing with myself FOUR DIFFERENT WAYS! think it’s pretty good and in need of some serious youtube views.If you like it, help me out and show it to your friends. Peace and Love,John K....
Posted by John Kappas on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:49:00 PST

Leaving for the east coast tonight!!!

Hey everyone!Let me start out by saying that I’m planning on writing in this blog a little bit more often than i have been. So make sure to subscribe and get all of your fun and exciting John K...
Posted by John Kappas on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:47:00 PST

What has to say about John Kappas! wrote a really nice piece on me recently so i thought i'd post it up here. If you'd like to see the original just head over to and check it out!-----------------...
Posted by John Kappas on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 06:33:00 PST

For my birthday!!!

So my birthday was two days ago, and i've had an awsome weekend.The greatest gift you guys could give me for my birthday is to just tell a couple friends about my music.  Put my banner somewhere ...
Posted by John Kappas on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 08:38:00 PST