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About Me

I'm 23 years old and my boyfriend Nick and I have a beautiful 14 month old son, Pierce. We have 2 dogs, our Rottweiler named Beefcake and our Miniature Pinscher named Scrappy. So if anyone reading this was thinking about breaking into our house, I'd think again if I were you. Right now, I'm a server at Olive Garden. In a couple years, Nick and I plan to move out west either to Southern California where he's from or to Vegas, get married (no, not a chapel either), go to school, and eventually have more kids. If Nick had it his way, We'd have about 4 more, but I would be content with just one more. Maybe the next one will be a girl, although sometimes I think I would be content with having all boys. My son is so much fun I kinda can't even imgaine having anything other than boys, but I know deep down I want to have my little princess someday. girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

I like watching boxing, bull riding and gymnatics. I was a gymnast for seven years so anytime gymanstics is on TV, I'm glued. I like doing the girly stuff too; working out, tanning, doing my nails, shopping, but honestly, all I ever want to do is be with my son. he's my biggest interest and it just gets better and better everyday. I've never loved anything as much as I love my little man.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet my half brother, Scott. He's my dad's son from his first marriage. I don't even think he knows he has 2 other siblings ( my brother Jerico and I) but I hope one day I can contact him. The last I heard he was living in either North or South Carolina and he has a family. He was adopted by his step dad when he was little so he doesn't have the same last name I do. I have no idea how to find him. If anyone has any ideas, fill me in.


I greatly enjoy good music. I like anything from Aerosmith to Korn to Dr. Dre. Not too much rap though, it's all the same stupid bullshit anymore. Girls, guns, gangs and cars, wow, let's be a little more creative shall we. Whatever happened to the good "old school" shit. Anyway, I can't say I have a favorite song, but if I had to chose one, I would have to say "Angel" by Aerosmith.


Hands down, my favorite movie of all time is "Stand By Me." "My Girl" and "Goonies" run a close second. My boyfriend, Nick, is from Southern California so him and his dad have both been in movies. The most recent one Nick's dad was in was "Jarhead." They didn't have huge roles or anything, but how many of you can say you were in a movie. He he he. Other than my favorites, I enjoy comedies over anything. Not the retarded romantic comedies either, the good ones; "Billy Madison," "Half Baked," "Grandma's Boy." I especially like watching those movies with my good friend, "maryjane."


South Park all the way. That has got to be the best show ever created. I also like watching the HBO series "Rome." I'm not really hooked on too many other TV shows. I just kinda flip through the channels until I find something interesting.


Ummm, I'm not much of a reader, I'd rather just watch the movie since neither one is ever the same, but I do read alot of Dr. Seuss books to my son. lol


Well Nick is my hero, but he's more like my "knight in shining armor." I know that sounds retarded, but I really don't give a shit. But ya know what, I would have to agree with my brother on this one. "No idols, no heroes, no leaders...just pure inner strength." Amen to that one Jerico.