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About Me

MySpaCe is CraZY! ...Not to menTion MessY and FaKe as sHit! First...tHese BrAaDs braG and BoAst on Wut tHey haVe...how tHey'Re the "BaddEsT"...and mosT hiLariOus...How thEy're the "fLyeST". HaLf thesE hOes wEnt fRom RAGS TO DESIGNER TAGS! U caN be drApeD in the FinEsT fRom Head to tOe...Im tAlkin the CeNter Of the AttENtIon & tOpiC of ConverStIons, But a FAKE ASS ATTITUDE & weAk PersOnalitY dOnt mAke u NuthIn buT a MAniKin wHich aInt SHit...a NobODy. Get it UnderStooD. MoSt bitcHes lIve a LifE of CompetItIon. I caLL thAt, noT livInG... And I caLL theM LOSERS . Im ContenT wIth mYsElf and My LiFe. I havE a sET cirCle of FriEnds tHat i LOVE wit ALL my ♥. MosT guRLs looSe frIends Like LipgLoss! A tRue fRiEndsHip is Hard to cOme acrOSS. MayBe that is wHy i Have VerY few FrieNds and Cut Many loosE. HatErz gOne Forever StaY in Yo zOnE and TrY to blOck youR sUccEss but..."I treat Em liKe dUst anD swEEp em unDer the Rug." They WiLL NevEr Be "ESTABLISHED" as we say.LOL (AyesHA..Im fUnny HUH?) In conclUsion... Im a cOOL persON (theRe is onLy 1 possiBle reasOn to disLike me...JEALOUSY)... FunnY as SHiT (a reaL gooFbaLL=)... Not harDly a Hater (i dont tHrow shadE on no1..if anything, i salute u...do ya tHanG!) and I caRrY aLota SwAg in my GuCci Bag(LOL) ReaL recogNize reaL and If i feeL u Lookin faMIliar... HeLLO!!. ....GonE

groove;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;height:119px;width :990px"
AdmiRe maH ShiNE ♥ ♥ This profile was made at Whateverlife.com! :) ...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

R.I.P JJ!!One of the WETTEST niggaz in history!!! We Miss u Jay!!!

R.I.P Raym...luV u Cuzin "...AnD i HearD em saY...NuthInz eva ProMiseD tOmoRrrow ToDay...But wE'LL fInd a waY...NotHin LasTs fOrevEr buT be Honest BabY...It HurtS But thIs maY bE thE onLy waY.. I sTill LovE u

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