any thing i find fun "wink wink" video games tv movies hanging out cooking i love to cook and maybe even you oh and i collect swords and knives and well i build random things and love to read" "
cool people and maybe some chinchillas and some people who like to stay home and chill or go out every once in a whille people who arent like hey lets go to the mall and walk around in it for hours doing nothing every day this week
Take the Villain quiz.
Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz.
u r the emotion of anger
what emotion r u (with beautiful anime pics)
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Your soul is dead.
You've probably been through one too many rough
times in your life which has eaten you up
from the inside. Now there's nothing more to
eat from since you just don't care anymore.
Life is meaningless and you live it like a
zombie. The good thing though is that you
cant be hurt, since you are so distant from
the emotional world. Love is something you
dont understand or just dont remember. If it
was up to you, your life would already be
over, but it doesn't make you suicidal. You
are probably alone most of the time, looking
at the world with a blank stare. The yearning
to feel alive and be happy has simply gone
away. What's left now is only the shell of
what used to be you.
How is your soul? [pics]
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You're fated to have a Dark love.
Probably a lover of things gothic, you're
artistic and original. Although you are a
loner and independent to a fault, all you
will need is her, and she will feel the
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~
brought to you by Quizilla
Your element is Shadow: Indifferent, unusual,
gentle and a complete mystery. No one tends to
know quite what to think of you because you
camouflage your emotions so incredibly well,
almost as well as your thoughts. You are
unpredictable in that no one knows exactly what
your going to do or what your capable of and
you've made sure they never will. You are quite
the wallflower but deep down inside is a kind
and very intelligent person. You are capable of
love but unless you let some light into your
shadowed life you'll have a hard time with your
relationships. People are a mystery only
because they all seem too superficial, you
would rather be somewhere else. Away from all
the noise, perhaps putting your feelings into a
form of art. Such as writing your feelings into
a poem or journal, or perhaps painting a
picture. The shadows make you feel comfortable
and you don't like to step outside your comfort
zone or let anyone else in, the spotlight
terrifies you. You are truly a mystery.
You have Closed
Positive Traits: Intelligent,
Creative, Imaginative, Loyal,
Negative Traits:
Depressed, Withdrawn, Pessimistic, Fatalistic,
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla
rock metal old school rock alternative rock most types funk and big band and techno" "
spun, funny comedies action and drama and of course star wars well the last 3 i allso like both kill bills and the blade movies" "
Anime, adult swim , family guy , american dad, drawn together, south park, stand up comedians and toonami " "
fantasy and storys of poetic serial killers" "
mr Maxwell, Muhamed ali, chris farely, Vash the stampead, Young david(from david in goliath come on if a voice told you that you could kill a giant monster man like the big show with pebble and piece of leather would you listen?) and of course budha he was fat he was happy and he was the man" "