Family Friends from all over Traveling Longboarding Surfing Brazilian Jujitsu Musical Instruments Painting/Cermamics Meditation Yoga Physcology Astrology History Galleries Concerts and Indecent Exposer and anything else fun & enojyable.
A passionate creative actress..dancer..maybe even a coyote People who examples provide inspiration & motivation to us all.
Well what do you got there ??? Bust that cd out.
I listen to Metal/PunK/Latin/Hip - Hop/Reggae/Rave(Techno)/Classical even Country too.
I love anything from Horror , Sci -Fi , Adventure , Comedy , Romance and Autobiographies.
ESPN..MTV..Discovery Channel..History Channel..Spike TV..Comedy Central..LOst..George Lopez Show.
Currently reading Eat That FRoG ..My Secert Garden , Tao of Jeet Kune Do , Men Are Fom Mars Women Are From Venus , The Game , The Spirital Journey Of Johny Cash , Mice And Men.
The angels on my shoulders everyday I take the day as it comes , which is my parents. They kept me grounded all these years through thick & thin. Anyone else who had an significant importance.