Alina :] profile picture

Alina :]


About Me

you said you're gross my darling,
i said no i'm rock and roll.
Nameless, Careless && reckless. I fancy novels, literature and photography. I find comfort in the little things that I hold sentimental value to, even if they are just memories; like that candy necklace I once received, and that one time I was drunk and on the phone with you and I confronted you about everything and you believed me, for once you believe me. Oh, and that time you walked right past me and you thought I didn't see you, but I did...I saw you alright but I never mentioned it, and you never mentioned it and we just kept living our lives like that spec of a moment never happened. That was when I realized that some things are just better left unsaid. Then there was that time you stripped me of my dignity and left me bare, naked and alone and you thought I didn't mind, but I did, I really honestly did. And I hated you for that. I also hold material things closely to my heart, like that gift wrapping from that specific gift you gave me when we were in the 6th grade, you probably forgot all about that, but I didn't and I never will. There is also those notes we used to pass to each other in English class in the 7th grade, the silly nicknames we gave each other and the pointless conversations we had. And those photographs, oh those priceless memories of searching for our talents. Didn't we think we were so cool? In our black AV t-shirts and our little passes, cutting class and stashing cookies, sharing lockers and dreams? We were cool alright, keeping track of all the new bands we heard of and making complete fools of ourselves. The innocent laughter we shared and the millions of jokes we had and oh the paintballs! We can't possibly forget about those little suckers, how we recklessly attacked each other and the school. Do you remember how we used to argue day in and day out but when it was time to say goodnight we always managed to make up? Do you remember all the promises, the billions and billions of petty promises we made each other and how we believed that those promises would last? Do you remember how you held my hand all the way through that one class, and you mouthed those lyrics and you probably don't remember this but I do, yes..I do. And our first kiss, and how magical it was, how the weather changed to our moods? And do you remember when I said goodbye and gave you my heart, well I expected to come back to normality but I guess that wasn't your intention. Do you remember when we first started talking? It was nothing important, sharing little facts about ourselves, the type of music we listened to, the things we did for fun and the harmless flirting. Do you remember how we clicked from the start? You were nervous and I was scared and when you looked at me and held my gaze I thought I was going to fall and faint and not because it reeked of urine but because I felt myself melt in your eyes. Do you remember how you laughed at my innocence and how you complimented on my cultured personality? You probably don't remember any of it, but I do. I hold a lot of things, people, memories, sayings, quotes, occasions, moments, objects dear to me and I also forget a lot of them.
Photograph each day so we can live forever
Sit in the light to make the dark a little darker
And I dance to move only you
And I fight to kiss and make up
I scream for some silence
I laugh to laugh for once
Not there so you notice I'm gone
And I breathe cause it's necessary
And I sigh when I see the moon
I dream to make sleep less boring, until there was you
And I feel in the absence of heart
And I plug my eyes to cry
I'm a hopeless romantic and kicking the habit
But all hearts have darts

My Interests

but then night rolls around and it all starts making sense. there is no right or wrong way, you just have to live and so i do what i do, and at least i exist. what could mean more than this?

"I hope that someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight, and that's all they do. They don't pull away. They don't look at your face. They don't try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it."

"now i do as i please, and i lie through my teeth. someone might get hurt, but it won't be me i should probably feel cheap, but i just feel free. and a little bit empty. "



The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame.

" ' For love and it hath doe me much wo.' 'Ye yse' (quod she) 'this medicine Every day this may or thou dine Go looke upon the fresh daisie, And though thou be for wo in point to die, That shall full greatly lessen thee of thy pine. 'And looke always that thou be good and trew, and I wol sing one of the songes new, For love of thee, as loud as I may crie :' And than she began this song full hie, 'I shrewe all hem that been of love untrue.' " -The Cuckow and Nightingale.


t r illl z: lina you're my fuckin soulmate
t r illl z: i swear