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THESE GUY'S KICK ASS!i wanna meat dj qualls,jim carry,adam sandler,dane cook,michael j. fox and michael clark duncan
wheres veronica? all the way!will u owe me a transformer. and make some god damn music videos stroke 9, eminem, don omar, gritz, sonic lunchbox(my dad), teriaki boyz, fifty cent, phat boy slim, 3 days grace, billy tallent, jahmika, linkin park, limp bizkit, k-os, alice coooper, ozzie, buckcherry and red hot chilli peppers,the hives, evanesance,nickle back (woop i knew them), blink 182,sum 41 (the old shit only b4 they went pop),kiss,twisted sister,beasty boys,kid rock,dj shadow,quiet riot,guns and roses, the who,lil john,chamilionair,green day,S.P.M.,black eyed peas(pretty much if u listen to any kind of music i know good bands)
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way too many to list
i lost my cable so i rent movies and watch scrubs on rabit ears
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don omar, eminem, ozzy, fiddy, alice cooper, towely