"Knowledge is power,
but the ability to use knowledge against
big opponents instead of strength is even more power"
"Knowledge is power,
but the ability to use knowledge against
big opponents instead of strength is even more power"
Possibly You. That is if your cool...
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ie. beauty is subjective, there is no perfect woman out there. Though there are several common traits that a majority of our society find attractive, this is (i believe)largely based on social brainwashing. That is to say, from the moment we're born we're brought up to believe that sports are for boys, dolls are for girls, and the bigger the breasts the prettier the girl. Though we are gradually transcending these incorrect societal imperfections, progress is slow. Though i digress, in early Chinese cultures the prettiest girls were fat, pale, and had small feet, these traits implied that the girl's father or husband were rich enough that the girl could sit around inside all day. In early European cultures big hips and breasts were found highly attractive, as a successful means of birthing many healthy children. Later on this trend was replaced by the desire for incredibly petite waists. This lead to the corset, which quickly lead to the physical self abuse, hyperventilation, and in some cases death of many a woman who would attempt to create the illusion of a thinner waste by tying their corsets so tight it would actually restrict lung capacity. Let us not forget other common trends such as sparkling white teeth, flashy grills, dry skin versus smooth skin, and a multitude of similar fashion trends, which pop in and out, raising different girls as the pinnacle of beauty for their particular combination of traits, before receding, replaced by newer and apparently more important trends. So on and so forth, we as a people dictate what is beautiful only so far as we allow the few -whose opinion is for some reason more valued than our own- tell us what beauty truly is. So long as you as an individual do what you can to resist and repel society's effect on your personal values, so long as you question for yourself what is important to you and why, then the world will eventually be a better place." -SephGrave