Eating hotdogs shirtless while watching soccer. Folding my pants so that they have nice creases. Sleeping a lot. Cherry chapstick. Room tempurature milk. Shouting at the TV when I get mad at idiot politicians. Youtube videos with animals and people running into glass doors. Banana Republic. Cool looking soccer shoes. Transhumanist art and the use of technology as an extension of the human body in creating modes of expression--thank you Marshall McLuhan for the "medium" and the message. Photoshop. Molasses cookies. hair care products.
Oprah. She's a doll. David Beckham. He's HOTT! And I could teach him a thing or two about soccer.
89.9 KCRW Santa Monica (, 88.9 KXLU Los Angeles (, 90.3 KEXP Seattle (, and 89.3 KAOS Olympia (, 91.3 KBCS Seattle ( Anything that you don't like. And electropop.
Anything with transformable car-robots or talking animals.
America's Funniest Home videos. I'll laugh until I cry. I'll watch whatever is on. I will get so distracted with the television I will forget what I am doing-burn whatevers on the stove, forget to leave for work, forget to sleep, eat . . . But I am usually too busy to watch.
To coin the term originated by John Stuart Mill in 1868 the "dystopia". Like Yevgeny Zamyatin's We and 1984 and of course Brave New World. Shall we not learn from 451??? And the movies . . . well Brazil is a classic!
Topher, Draven Storm, Darcie, Odessy, Ruben and Nadja (you'll find these great people in my friends list), and myself! Cuz I have put with some goddamn bullshit and have still made it to where I am today. My mom. She's fantastic. Ellie-she's put up with some bullshit too, and has taught me how to see all situations--bad or good-as a way to practice introspection.