About Me
Name: John / John Cagz / John Brawn / John Häagen-Daz / Johnny Boy / J
A bout Me: "your man is a cake boy. he's a disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde reading, Streissand ticket holding friend of Dorothy, know what I'm saying?"
Y es please: fall, winter, sweaters, MST3K, museum trips, DBs / SBs, the southern vapors, minimalist design, postcards, good playlists, movie nights, SLEEPING, yoga, holdin hands, makin out, queer movement, thai tea, rumpshakin' and BEAR chasin', RICK&STEVE, vodka gimlets, crude humor.
N O GUSTó: prop 8, bigots, cats, distance, faulty internet, non prescription eye glasses, executive decisions, triple digit weather, flakes, red flags and douche bags, nutjobs, cowards, dupe, & missed connections.
W HO I'D LIKE TO MEET: my license, my DY, and this Vulcan: