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Only these days are important which not yet we know" "Wazne sa tylko te dni których jeszcze nie zna

About Me

Hello! Dzien Dobry! :) My english is not very well. Apologize for errors in writing. I do not know if now written well :)I have been born and I live in Warsaw. I have older brother and youngest sister. Brother is married and has daughter (my favorite), it owner firm. Grandfathers combated for freedom Poland during Second World War. My parents are post-war generation. I value them very. I have completed Warsaw University, department of Geography getting master geographer. Traveling was my passion from childhood and recognition of other culture. It have vaccinated my Parents , which travels me from small, after whole poland and not only. In future of mum in plans open personal Travel Agency planning original expeditions. I work presently as key account manager in firm organizing estate exhibitions and events different towns in Poland and Europe. Residential (fleet) sector spreads out in my country presently soundly very. Privately I like different departures weekend, mountain excursions, on ski to beautiful Tatry polish highs mountains. I like to read books, lay puzzle, meet with my family, make shopping ... And many others things.It is “several” sentences about me : )Urodzilem sie i mieszkam w Warszawie. Mam dwójke rodzenstwa starszego brata i mlodszą siostrę. Od najmlodszych lat moja pasja bylo podróżowanie i poznawanie innych kultur. Zaszczepili mi to moi rodzice, którzy od małego wozili mnie po calej Polsce i nie tylko. Skonczylem Uniwersytet Warszawski, wydzial Geografii uzyskujac magistra Geografa. W przyszlosci mam w planach otworzyc wlasne biuro podróży. Obecnie pracuje jako Key Account Manager w firmie organizujacej targi nieruchomosci w różnych miastach w Polsce. Prywatnie uwielbiam wyjazdy weekendowe, wycieczki górskie w nasze piekne Tatry. Lubie czytac ksiazki, ukladac puzzle, spotykac sie z rodzina i tysiace innych rzeczy.To tak kilka zdan o mnie.

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