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Club Music as it is known today, has developed in a diverse array of odd and
spectacular directions since its revolutionary inception following the fall
of the berlin wall.
However after so many years, the original open-mindedness towards new and
fresh ideas, has been gradually drummed out and replaced by blandness.
The thrill of discovery through experimentation has been filtered out, to
leave a monotonous residue of musical mediocrity.
Arguably, we have already entered into the post-tech-trance era.
Daily we are forced to tolerate an ever-growing pile of uninspired consumer
friendly remakes and revivals, to add to the already confusing collection of
musical styles which only confound us in our choice. under such conditions,
it is little wonder a new style of underground club Music may go unnoticed
for years in this dense jungle of genres.
The excitement and adventure of making, pressing, releasing and owning an
actual record is slowly being extinguished through the annonimity of
invisible digital-downloads.
Even record collection itself appears to be doomed to be a thing of the
past, for it is being taken over by a desire to own gigabytes of downloaded
The frustration that many may feel, of not being old enough to have taken
part in the first loveparade, has to be finally relegated to the history
books. That was another time, another generation.
There is a new sound, a new ideology, a new definition already rising on the
horizon. The thrill is in finding it.
Therefore, the clubbers of today shouldnt be simply dismissed and degraded
as being the third or fourth generation of tech-trance, but rather as the
first generation of a new era.
A new era of original club Music that identifies the dawn of a new generation.
This is the era which also offers new and younger artists the opportunity to
finally throw off the chains that bind them to the conservative sounds of
the 20th century and express themselves through a new and individual
Naturally, some hardline purists will remain steadfast and zealously
disagree this is so, that is understandable. Change is a slow proccess, but
go to any club in the world today and you will find very few clubbers on the
dancefloor who were there from the begining of the first techno era.
Mojado Music is very Addictive.
One of the most positive aspects about Music is that it has no race or
colour, even if some try and force it to be distinguished in such a manner,
in reality, it can be alternatively liked or despised by any or all.
The choice is yours.
Music reflects Politics.
Some will eagerly deny this.
Through Music we can enforce change and express our individual opinions or
desires. We have all witnessed the power of change through Music in one way
or another.
This is because Music mirrors our feelings and is a reflection of the times,
it is the soundtrack to a particular moment. A piece of Music can bring back
many forgotten memories.
It is recognised that Music is a universal language. It transgresses borders
and cultures, it is both emotional and captivating. You dont have to speak
the language that is being sung, simply to understand the message or feel
the emotion behind it. Music has its own way of purveying its message.
Music means liberty and freedom of expression.
Where Music is oppressed, this view is unfortunately not shared.
Here you will find many unhappy and seemingly intolerant young people, whos
apathy and frustration drives them to commit drastic and sometimes deadly
deeds with devastating consequences.
The motivation and encouragement to be creative, individual and challanging,
is being slowly eroded with each passing generation.
The enforcers of power tell us who is good and who is bad and as we are all
latently brainwashed and blinded into believing their lies and accepting
Their cultural ’ammendments’, the result is, the majority becomes passive or
indifferent and what we are eventually left with, is a fearful ’mild youth’
of neat, controlled conformists and a minority of radical rebels.
Music is love.
We can go to a club, a gig or a party and for that one moment, everyone is
tuned into the same wavelength of pleasure and happiness.
Suddenly a track appears, and in an instant we are drawn together as one, we
all love each other. We all feel the same feeling. our minds are not filled
with hatred, death or destruction, but with love, joy and excitment that the
loving power of the Music provides us.
If you are searching for that feeling, then this album will guide you
towards the right path. the exhilarating, saturated sound of Mojado is a
welcome change from the dry, clinical tones of techno or the uninspired
fromage of tv-trance.
If you dance, Mr Sam and Dimitri Andreas will certainly make you wet, like
their name Mojado suggests.
Soak in the sound and discover how they have fine-tuned their influences
from years of writing and playing techno Music, to make this a hard edged
album too.
Each track on this album has been carefully crafted with the dj and club in
mind. There is no soppyness here.
So if its interesting and imaginative club Music you seek, then you will get
the overwhelming feeling of excitment and satisfaction from this album.
Undoubtably, it will get you wishing for the weekend.
Mojado would like to express our feelings of a gerneration
After suffering from the bordom of the bedroom
to the drabness of the dancefloors,
we aim to inject new life into the ritual
a resurrection on the dancefloor, for they will dance amongst you
they will set your loins in motion with hip thrusting rhythms
and pulsating basses.
The succulently wet sound of Mojado will hold you hypnotized
while the hard driving beats pound into your cells releasing them
you will vibrate.
Embrace your existance and enjoy the gifts intelligence has given us all.
We didnt ask to inherit a polluted planet
if we dont take action
one thing is for certain
the ones who follow us will be left a rotting one.
Heavy themes with a heavy soundtrack?
They will scare you into believing, dont let fear turn you into their slave.
Ecstatic faces fear no fear
Fun and freedom feed the cells with love and life
Unlimited enjoyment
The key to happiness
Underground subcultres thrive on truth
Raison d-- etre
Electronic and crystallized
Pure pleasure with silicon
Intolerance is easy, love is hard
War is a human deficiency
Is there a cure?
Look at their faces
Love each other
Believe in yourself
Everyone can live their dream
We are polluting our world
Everywhere agression, destruction and hate
Time will show that we did not respect our planet or ourselves
Are we the only known ’intelligent’ life in our universe?
No guarantees we are not alone
Destruction through greed
Hope and happiness with Music
A world we can change
Revel with us
Dare you dare to dare?
Mojado are Mr Sam and Dimitri Andreas
Their refreshing sound will wash over you like a wave of cool blue sea.
This album is dedicated to the wet and the hard clubbers around the world
Luckily, Mr Sam has not let himself be tied to one particular style of
Music. His sound cant be simply placed in a box and labelled. He isnt
trapped in a particular genre and he hasnt fallen victim to the current wave
of remakes that have polluted and ravished the dance scene.
Always eager to push his own boundaries of creativity, he has made highly
detailed trance, techno, chill-out and Wet&Hard.
Teaming up with his partner Dimitri Andreas, they have created with Mojado,
an album of clubtracks which span a variety of sounds and styles without
compromising themselves, their objective is to bring back the thrill to the