NiNO BRoWn!!!!! profile picture

NiNO BRoWn!!!!!

About Me

NInO bROwN aND hIS gAnG, M.r.L., bEComE tHE dOmiNANt dRuG rINg iN nEW yoRK ciTY wHEn cRaCK coCAiNe iS iNTroDUceD tO tHE cITy sTReeTS dURinG tHE 80'S aND eARlY 1990'S. tHEy cONveRT aN eNTirE aPARtmENt cOMpleX ("tHE CArtER") iNto A cRAcK hoUSe. uNDerCOveR cOPs sCotTy aPpLEtoN aND nICk pEreTtI tRy tO cONVict tHE gAnG wITh eVIdenCE oF tHE dRug TRaFfiCkinG. tHEy rEcrUIt pOoKIe , A fOrmER sTiCk-uP kId tURneD rEvcoVERinG aDdiCt, tO wOrK uNDerCOveR aT "tHE CArtER" tO hELp tHEm gATheR iNCrImINatINg eVIdeNCE aGAinST nInO aND M.r.L. uNfORTunaTEly, pOoKIe rElAPseS, fAIlINg tHE mISSioN aND aPpLEtoN tAkES mAtTerS iNtO hIS oWn hAnDS bY gOInG uNDerCOveR aS A dRUg dEAleR wHO wANtS tO gEt iN wIth M.r.L. aPpLEtoN gAinS tHe tRUsT oF nInO bY rEVeaLInG iNForMAtiOn aBouT nIno'S aSSiStaNTs oF oPEraTIons, gEe mOneY,aNd hIS dESiRe tO bUIlD A dRug eMpiRe oF hIS oWn. wHeN aPpleTOn'S cOVer gETs bLoWn, nIno cAN nOt tRUst aNYonE nOw aND kILls His OnCE bESt fRIenD... --> --> Phillip Bray's Profile

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Member Since: 02/02/2007
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Band Members: wHaT wOUlD yOU dO iF?
tHE pREsiDEnT oF tHE uNIteD sTAteS caLLeD yOU: i'D sAY wHAt uP niGGa..cOme ThROugH
yOU wOn tHE lOtTerY: sAmE sHIt i dO kNOw jUsT mORe oFtEN
yOU gOT tO bE oN A rEAliTy tV sHoW: tElL fLAvoR fLaV hE cANt fUcK wiTH mE
yOU cAugHT A fRIenD sTEalINg fRom yOU: yEaH tHE fUCk rIgHT
yOU wITneSSeD A mUrDER: aCT LikE i aINt sEe sHIt
a rAndOM sTRanGeR oFfEreD yOU cANdY: tHRoW iT oUT
mYsPAcE aND faCEboOk cLOseD: dAmn i'D bE fUCkeD uP fOR lIKe 2 hOUrS
a gENiE gRAntED yOU oNE wiSh: wIsH fOR tHE nORmAL 3
yOU LoST yOUr faVOriTe pOsEsSioN: bUY iT aGAiN
yOU fOUnD 10 dOlLaRS oN tHE grOUnd: pRObaBly gEt sOMe kORbEl...tHAt'S mY sHiT
yOUr DatE tHRoWs uP oN yOU: tElL tHaT bITcH tHIs ShiRT iS wORtH mOrE tHAn wHAt sHe jUSt AtE
sOMeONe cUT oFF A cHUnk oF yOUr HAir: tHAt'S A dEAd MUthAfuCKa
yOUr FAvoriTE cELebRitY VisITs yOU: aSk tHEm wHAt tOoK sO LonG
yOU wERe sTrAnDed oN aN iSlaNd wItH oNLy tHE aBIlItY tO mAkE oNE cAlL: tElL mY mOm tO gO tO wESteRn uNIon

Influences: kAnyE wEst cAM'rOn jAY-z tHe 80'S bAby
Sounds Like: yOu bE tHE jUDgE
Type of Label: Major

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i"m ONLiNe

eVEryBoDy CoMe ShoW me LOve oN dAtPiFF.Com aNd dOWnlOAD mY fiRSt aLBum
Posted by on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 10:55:00 GMT