ALL of my RELITIVES. and bob kane (creator of batman) and kevin eastman and peter laird (creators of TMNT) jackie chan too, and jet li and bruce li. and james bond, Darth Vader (with out a light-saber), C3-P0, R2-D2, chewbaca, boba fett, luke skywalker (also the voice for joker in The Batman Anamated Series too!), and a yeti and bigfoot and the lockness monster man i would really like to meet a yeti or bigfoot-
TECHNO/ALTERNATIVE/ROCK! and rave music. I dont diss country but its too different for me. But i like music with sweet beats. Thats what i like and how I like it. I love the beats of the 80s-LOVE DID YOU READ L-O-V-E!!!! and i will neva forget GORILLAZ they are the AWSOMEST-ATOMICIST-COOLEST and the cranberrys arn't bad either same with The Cure
duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna duna -!BATMAN!- and TMNT 1, and 2 secret of the ooz also all the james bond movies which i have not seen yet. and a whole much more that i have not decided yet what they are. and... (BUN!-BUN!-BUM!) JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO!! ya thats a very good movie! verryy good..
i like freaking am decated to the Batman Anamated Series right now they are about the best thing alive. man they are AWSOME! they're like little movies in each one-i loovvvveeee them-
i really aint into books that much-but i looooovvvvvveeeeee freaking comics. it brings a great joy to mine eyes when i read a sweet comic. i'd have to say that the best comics are BATMAN AND TEENAGE MUTANT NIJA TURTLES!!!!! ya those make my day. i have about the whole freakign TMNT collection!- woop-de-du you might say but that is a HELL OF A LOT OF COMICS. i love comics. and also crebrus and gizmo
really who do you think they are? well if you havent guessed yet its...(drum roll)... Batman and Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles!!!! woop! woop! and my brother!!! and well all of my friends!!!! well most of them... and CORBAN DALLAS from the 5th Element!!!!! and LEELOO!! also and ALSO RRUUBBYYY RRRHHHOOOODDD YEAH! if any one has not seen that movie(the fifth element)and they're reeding this they now need to go to their nearest movie rental and freaking RENT THE SUCK'A then watch it. you will be overfilled with joy when you see it!.........................and gary brolsma for sure-Mi-YAA-MI-YOO-salot