Gene profile picture


Can I have some more fish fingers please?

About Me

Large-footed, small-brained, hairless, insecure, delusional, dysfunctional, insensitive, incorrigibly cynical motormouth with large feet pretending to be eloquent, witty and capable of scintillating conversation while standing on large feet. I also can't drink but often presume so and then try to save the world from people who talk during movies, smelly bus/train people standing next to me and bad drivers... with my large feet of course

My Interests

Testing Mingfang's patience, denial, growing an Afro, inactivity, all-day breakfast, fish fingers, ramly burgers, Jln Tua Kong mee pok, feeding my insecurities, pushing the limits of conversational decency, being politically incorrect, flat-packed furniture, compulsive ironing

I'd like to meet:

George W. for Scrabble and Segway racing, Samuel Leong (OK, if you have to know, it's 'cos Elvis is dead and he's 2 on my list of "People Who Should Lead the Free World")


Masters at Work... oh, and N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, S-Club, J.Lo, F4 (oh yeah!)... has anyone seen my Ricky Martin poster?


Raging Bull, The Godfather, Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Fight Club, Ocean's 11, The Exorcist, Subway, Rashomon, Seven Samurai, Ayumi's Bukkake Palace, When Harry Met Sally, Freddy Got Fingered


Princes (nasty mid-millenial Italian and nice midget interstellar ones), The Catcher in the Rye, 101 Useful Household Repairs, Them weird Edward Gorey ones about furniture, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Neurosurgery