buena pearl profile picture

buena pearl

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

mE iM vRy TaLkAtIvE aNd Im So pRoUd Of My SeLf CuZ i HaVe LoT oF fRiEnDs,wHoM i CaN tRuSt AnD oLwAyS tHeRe FoR mE... aNd AlSo,Im So CHILDISH eVeNtHoUgH iM gOiNg 18. hehehe... i LuV mYsElF vRy MuCh,CuZ nO mAtTeR wHaT i Am AnD wHo I aM. pEoPlE aCcEpT mE 4 bEiNg Me...

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i want 2 met???...uhhmm...ah those pipol whom willing 2 be one of my fewnzz...and also those pipol who came frm other places or country so that u can teach me about ur culture , language and etc... hehehe... (add me:[email protected] & BY D WAY.... im also n friendster add me f u lyk... [email protected]

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