CiNNaMon GiRl TLF profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Where to begin? I should start by mentioning that I am a free spirit.My motto is :love to love & love to live. Kindness is not my weakness.It is my strength.I have been blessed to have good friends and family in my life,especially my mother. Sure, I have been faced with many challenges here and there, but who has not.right? The point is I have lived to tell about it.I swear it would make a great after school mini series! I like to be surrounded by people who are funny,down to earth,and very mellow.So for those of you out there who like chaos and the drama .. NEED NOT APPLY! Like any typical female I do enjoy shopping.Nothing extreme!! I like fashion..the trendiness .Even tho I don't have those Prada shoes I have been drooling over in the window,does not mean i do not have taste.I dress for comfort BUT I do clean up rather nicely..As far as sports are concerned....hmmm.I like volleyball and baseball.I don't have a favorite team.I just enjoying being a spectator.I love love love a good horror flick!! The gory the better I say!yes a chick flick is ok..but a nice scary horrid movie will get your blood racing and heart pumping every time.Music wise..I like hip hop and rock n roll! I have learned to appreciate all forms of music and art.I see with my minds eye,and definately see the glass half full.!I have a great boyfriend Terri that totally completes me.He is my other and better half..I can see my future in his eyes and it makes me smile.He is my protector,my lover,my peace of mind.I hope that everyone could find what i have.If you want to get to know me,hit me up for a friends request or leave a message! PEACE !

Get your myspace layouts where I get them, at

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My Blog

random thoughts

Today.i had this revelation.I thought to myself....things could be worse.I mean i am going thru some troubles times and yes..we all are feeling the "economic" sting!  BUT...i still feel like I am bles...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 13:57:00 GMT

someone for you is out there

I have not dated  in almost 6 years because i was married.Times have changed so much.It's too much to ask for a real man these days.I mean,i do not expect the world,but I expect kindness, loyalty and ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:19:00 GMT

the sun shined thru

I wanted to post a blog because i know i have not in forever.So i felt a little nostalgic  today and what better way than to blog  right?You see I lost my husband August of 08..His name is  Binod....O...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Jul 2009 00:39:00 GMT

anything u want it to be

  blog this  can u??what the hell is a blog   its a bunch of advertisements  or something??Anyways   blog me!!!!!!!!!§
Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 14:57:00 GMT