I'd love to meet my maker (God) face to face and to have the opportunity for him to hug me, pat me on my back and tell me that I've done a great job and that I can now enter through the pearly gates! That's what I look forward to the most, and really that's all that matters in the end.It also would've been nice to meet my great-grandmother Muh, who everyone calls my twin or vice versa I guess. I never got the chance to meet her, but I'm told that we look just a like and have a whole lot of similiar traits. In the meantime, while I'm here on earth trying to live my life as best as I can, I'd love to meet Morris Chestnut who is a fine hunk of a man...as well as Nelly, LL Cool J, T.I., and the Austrailian take home chef! lol