H.g.g. has the amazing hits in stock right now!!
Click a pic to visit this weeks Vintage! Such a beauty Thanks for looking! don't forget to Subscribe to the blog^^^^!Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:20:00 GMT
The time is now..
Hippo Gorilla Giraffe has an uncanny collection of vintage this week. click a pick to take a peek.. thanks for looking don't forget to sign up for our weekly blog!! _-H.g.g.Posted by on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 00:01:00 GMT
Vintage as good as gold.
Some of the best the others are just as amazing!clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickCh eck back on friday for more amazing finds!!!Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:33:00 GMT
hippo gorilla giraffe Amazing vintage gems!!!
Don't forget about FALL!!!Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:59:00 GMT
H.g.g. has auctions ending Monday and more on the way!!
H'g'g' has a lot of amazing vintage ending this Monday. Take a look!! Also, more stuff coming on Monday.Visit Hippo gorilla giraffe.Posted by on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 16:30:00 GMT
Well well well well well...some more amazing clothes you have to see to believe!!!!!!
Hippo gorilla giraffe vintage, some of the best clothing in the world!! it's not just vintage, it's fashion click a pic to visit h.g.g. come visit us for a fun vintage shoping expe...Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 20:03:00 GMT
*****^^^^^^****Special H.g.g. vintage special eBay style auctions
Hippogorilla giraffe has some incredible quality vintage clothing up for auction this week. tell a friend about h.g.g. and get $2 off the cost of shipping!!take a peek at the amazing clothes nobody ...Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 12:52:00 GMT
!!!!Yesssssssss, H.g.g. is bringing you amazing vintage!!!!
Hippo Gorilla Giraffe wants to share some more amazing vintage finds with you. *check back Monday for new items and the end of some auctions. click a pic to visit h.g.g.Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 18:39:00 GMT