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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace Layouts - <?=$l_title?> myspace layouts What's good, MySpace! I'm just another strong, focused & educated Black Man tryin' 2 stay right 'cuz the world is so wrong. But I keep it movin' n press on.HTown is my spot now though I still rep my hometown of Indianapolis, Indiana (North Central High School!). 4 that matter I guess I can claim a bunch of spots -- Shoutouts to NYC, Newark, Chicago, Seattle, Tacoma, Beaumont, Colorado Springs -- b/c I've lived there also.My career in journalism (BA-Indiana University '01) is why I've been able to travel the country and see a lot of different spots in a relatively short time period. But now that I've been there/done that with college graduation & life in the "corporate world," I've corrected my priorities.My life now is a daily celebration!!!! I'm much more into living 4 the day, chillin', my friends and having a good time. Gr8 Hip Hop music, South Beach, Serena Williams, fantasy football & of course The Lord are what I live 4.Life's short. Live hard, love hard!Peace & Elevation. Holla!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

4 starters, David Simon or Norman Lear, writers of the world's gr8est TV shows.Carmelo Anthony & Kim Fields are the fascinating people. I could talk 2 dem 4 hours, lol.Fannie Lou Hamer is the historic figure I'd most like 2 meet & learn from.Janet Jackson (self-explanatory)!As 4 my Off da Wall picks, let's go with...R.Kelly's 1st (wink, wink)! LMMFAO.The very last person 2 tell Barack Obama he couldn't be President.Michael Jackson's child psychologist.That self-righteous FoxNews commentator Bill O'Reilly's mistress/plaintiff (and da wifey! LMAO).Tommy Lee, aka "Mr. I'm Tired of Having Sex with Pamela Anderson."

My Blog

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