I found this layout design on PureLayouts.com - check out their MySpace Layouts .
Promotion of my work is what i AIM! What you see is only the tip of the iceburge of my work. If u like what you see, give me a shout. GiG. Band. Poster or anyother other photographs.
U can comment me, message me or better still email me on [email protected]
If you'r thinking "where the hell is his band photographs" it's coz they are yet to come. DERRR
Working with "The Good Blades" an interprid band of journalistic guns-for-hire. Enhancing the reader's understanding of the story in a way lost to the mainstream media since the 1960s New Journalism. So watch out folk for some kickin stories with images to make you think, wow.alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"