How dare you say that my behavior's unacceptable,
so condescending, unnecessarily critical.
-Head hurts. Badly.
-I'm so excited for my birthday. Right, Molly? =D
-I don't know what's going to happen with Ben, but fuck. I miss him. We've been talking daily, but usually end up snapping at each other.
-Got to see Adelina.
-I guess that's it. I'll update more later.
Fred was a mistake. Rod was a bigger mistake. And now I'm starting to see the effects of said "bigger" mistake. I really do see what those two years of one fucked up relationship with Rod did to me. How on earth could I allow that to go on? What the fuck was wrong with me?
-Stayed up until 3-something AM talking to Ben. It's funny, how fucking natural it is, talking to him. How, even with all the shit that's gone on, I'm still as comfortable talking to him as I've ever been. And how unnatural it felt, watching him watch what he says, and try to avoid overstepping any boundaries, or to avoid prying. Ugh. fgkdfghhds. I miss him. He misses me. I don't know what to do.
-Talked to Nicki on the phone for 98 minutes. It was pretty much awesome
-Still excited for my birthday. A bit nervous.
-Been reading like crazy. I need/want to work on my story, more.
-Fuuuuck you.
-I've started writing another story. I'm excited. I'm really happy about the story line I've come up with. It's a bit..close to home, I guess you could say, but I love it, and I can't wait to finish it.
-I'm also really excited about my birthday. I know it's not until winter break, but this trip will be amazing.
-ALSO, I can't wait to see Silver. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Seeing Ben yesterday sucked. I cannot believe how much it upset me. It almost ruined my whole day. But alas, Kayla, Kaden, and Devon are better friends than to allow something like seeing an ex-bestfriend ruin my day. I had a blast with them
-I had almost forgotten how gorgeous you are. And it seems you are even more so now.
-P.S. Fuck you, Benjamin Fuqua.
-I miss it. Badly. And only Silv and Molly have an idea of what I'm talking about.
So. Ben and I are no longer friends. But I can't get into that. It hurts, honestly. I told Anthony we need to take a break. I don't know what's going to happen from here. In regards to Anthony, and everything else. I can't really hide from it all, but I'm stuck on what I should/need/want to do...
I really do not like being sick...
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
I think that at this point, it's done. It's unoffically done, but it's done. I need to stop pretending. Damnit.
God damnit. Too much going on.
Linda needs to get her own ideas for her page. Juuust kidding, Ily honey
I will write a story, damnit. lolol.
I feel like shit. I hate feeling this unbelievably sad.
I think I should take my space from this person. But I really don't want to. I have no idea what to do. I just want it back the way it was.
I wish I didn't have so many mixed feelings about everything..
Yesterday fucking sucked. Today was alright. Tonight was fucking lame. I'm pretty much ready to fucking give up.
R.I.P. Aaron. I love you more than you ever understood. I miss you more than even I understand.
I want to stop feeling this way. thlfkjhskgfhjkgfhjnkfd
I'm in need of a huge change. The time is NOW.
"No one can describe you better than those that mean the most to you"
From Molly;
How does one describe Bek? Words that stand alone don't do her justice. In the best wording, Bek is a better person than you could ever hope to be. Beautiful on the outside, with a heart of gold keeping her alive. She is the reason there is the word, Friend. She is loyal and gives herself, whole-heartedly to the people she loves. She's not perfect, but she doesn't hide behind pretty words or makeup to make you like her for someone she isn't. To me, Bek is a life-line, my secret-keeper, one of my best and closest friends. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. I can't remember what life was like before her, and can't imagine life without her. We've had our misunderstandings and at times, it has seemed that we've drifted apart. But we've never called an end to our friendship. Through every problem, there is an absolution, and we find it together. She makes me laugh continuously and makes it impossible to stop smiling. She is always there when there's something weighing on my mind. She lets me be logicial, emotional, and even, insane. She isn't quick to judge and tends to join me in whatever mood i'm in, for support. Distance doesn't damper our relationship and I don't expect it to, our relationship being what it is. Whether she lives 5 miles or 5,000 miles away, our friendship would still be as strong as it is, right now. In the end, we're still under the same sky, wishing on the same stars, and that is enough for me. Bek, there's always a place for you in arms, and my heart. I love you, 'lorve'. Always and forever, much much more.
From Silver;
Rebekah is my bestfriend, the bestfriend to be exact. I can call a lot of people close & bestests & stuff like that, but no one will ever be as close to me as Bekk. She's in my head, I'm in hers. We don't live near each other, never have but it's okay. We survive somehow. I look forward to going online basically to see how she's doing. Making sure she's okay. Rekah deserves the absolute best in life, & while I can't be there to make sure everything is okay. I try my best. She's kind of mysterious too. I'm not sure what you'd call her, other then a spectacular human being. I didn't know people as true as her honestly exsisted. And I'm lucky enough to have her be the air that I breathe. We're going to be together until the end. I couldn't ever give up a friendship like this- she's what makes me who I am. I love this girl, fo' real.