About Me
Hott Baguettes
Isn't only an idea that has come to many girl's mind, isn't only a pastime, isn't only something people do when have nothing else to enjoy. HB it's first of all LOVE, no matter how it is, the way it is. And most of all, with who it is.
But when many of us, friends Hb's, talk/think/say/tell we are HB's addicted, doesn't mean we don't like our idols, that we don't support them or want to see them fine, pretty much on contrary.
The true love is at the little things, it means that when we talk about HB, isn't only Pierre and David, but also the friedships we've got, amazing people we met thank to this line and many meetings we've done (wich always gets full of people)
HB means friendship
HB means love - no matter if it is Pierre and David wich is our main subject, but also for the friendship we've build along the way.
Because a tiny little thing became so huge.. 'cause what was suppost to be a simple joke, became something so serious, to many considerated a stupid thing, but to others like us, considerated LIFE itself. People can judge you by what you show as love, but they have no idea what it means to us.
Many can morally kill us, but they have no idea what is this feeling, there's no way to stop it, you can't help it, it's already part of us.
We support them above EVERYTHING.
'Cause fan is fan, show that loves your idol, and isn't a marrige wich is gonna make us send stupid messages to their myspace showing our ''madness'' about Pierre getting married.
He has his life, has to be happy, has to build what he dreamed of. No matter if he's going to do that with Lachelle or David. Above anything, what matters it's support them.
You sent a message telling you don't love him anymore, wouldn't go to his concert, that if he did it, you'd stop listening his music? I'm sorry, but if you did that, you have nothing such as fan. It's only another insignificant person who doesn't support your ''idol'' in such an important moment of his life, as marriage.
'Cause live forever with a woman a day, is nobody's ideal life. Open your fucking mind and stop with all this bullshit. Let them be happy the way they want.
About us, HB... the fact of Pierre's marriage it's gonna be our ending?
Hold on there honey.. as I said: "HB is in our hearts, in our minds.. I know myself that when I got old, I'll have something good to tell my grandchildren, like, that stuff you know you've ALWAYS liked and NEVER died, never
ended, no matter if happend marriage or not. Doesn't matter if had so many people wanting it wouldn't happen."
What can i say to those people?
Simple.... live your life and forget about ours, keep your way and we keep ours.
'Cause if so many people wanted to stop us and trouble something so beautiful as HB, there's many friendship above all this, I'm so sorry but you're all screwed.
Be happy... live your life.
Pierre and David?
Against many people think.. we SUPPORT them at anything at ALL.
Don't worry about people who entitle themselves as fans, but are nothing less than many chicks who wants to see them at theirs 35/40 years old with nothing solid built in their lives.
Move with your life and be happy.
'Cause for us, HBaddicteds, together or not, HB love will never end.
(text by Lola)
Problems? here (Carolina) or here (Lola)!