YOU may think 0f me as nothin' diffErent fr0m 0thers bUt I kn0w I'm m0re than that.. I'm m0re than what y0u think 0f! PeEpz 0ften see my negative sidE.. bUt d0n't be t0o shallow.. trY t0 lo0k at me dEeper c0z i g0t m0re t0 sh0w.. d0n't get dEceivEd by the way I act.. I may be childish at times, playfuL, naughty and all... bUt i ain't juz that.. there's a l0t m0re in me that the nakEd eye c0uld n0t see..
*** s0 basically, that's me summed up in a fEw w0rds.. 0bvi0usly, there's mUch m0re that I didn't put d0wn... but if I t0ld it all, what would keep y0u fr0m c0min' back f0r m0re??? =p ***