Sanguinary is also on .
Out of the ashes of failure come Sanguinary, an accumulation of years of experience in the Jacksonville music scene with one purpose, to create music that is different and inspired in a sea of mediocrity and halfhearted boredom. Led by guitar virtuoso Miguel Redding, Sanguinary has come to completely destroy your preconceived notions of what REAL METAL is. With the driving bass lines of David Redding and the pummeling drum assault of Ben Brenner, all should be prepared for the onslaught that is SANGUINARY!!!!
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Sanguinary's new demo is now on sale at:
Bands We've Had The Priviledge To Play With:
Porcelain Black
Manna Zen
Amber Rose
Bonehead Sally
Shake The Stratosphere
Carnivorious Carnival
Look Alive
Hollywood Petey
Ghost Witch
Chris Winter
David Lee Redding (solo Stuff)