The Brazilian Project Effect Melody was created by the brothers from Curitiba, Alex Soul & Diego Palladino, right after they started to produce in early 2005. In a short period of time, they got into their set a considerable musicacl taste, and this factor ended up as a big difference in the quality of the duo productions. By that time, they introduce tracks that travel between the diferents genres of the eletronic music universe into their repertory, and soon conquer their space. During those years of experiences, they aquired a great sensibility while mixing and this factor helped a lot the improvment of each music released. Even under the influence of great references of nowadays artists, they managed to keep the originality into their tracks and never lost their roots characteristics. The duo keeps getting more respect in partys line ups when they perform, becoming a great promise. To finalize, nothing more fair then to expose the solid base of this act. They believe in the Power that hipnotizes the dancefloor with unforgetable melodies and dancing bases, and through that they can make the crowd feel the same strong energy that they feel while performing! Main Club/Gig: VIBE (Ctba-PR), BEATS (Campo Largo-PR)
Booking: [email protected] +55 41 78145464 / +55 41 88654185 - Ricardo Barroso