Cherika profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Cherika, 43 and divorced twice. Mom to 3 wonderful, loving sons, two gorgeous daughter n' laws and grandma to 5 beautiful little ones. I have 6 overly-protective brothers, no sisters and the strickest parents us kids could ever ask for. In a relationship with a wonderful man. I must be the luckiest woman alive.
I have one brother that was killed by a drunk driver... I'm totally against drinking and driving. Please Please Don't Drink and Drive or ride with someone who is drinking.
I've enjoyed working in the trucking industry... both driving the big rigs and dispatching. However, things have gotten so bad in this industry that I have moved on to a different field.... webmaster of several sites.
Spending time with my family and going out with my friends is important to me. I'm a "people person" and value family closeness and friendship. I have lots of friends in all walks of life... and cherish each of them.
Music is a big part of my life and I love to sing and dance... party! I've had several years of piano and was born into a highly talented family of musicians. My talent is in the vocals... always wished I could master the skill of playing the "instruments" as well as my family. But hey... I guess I was suppose to be the singer in the family. I've had the awesome experience of singing the National Anthem at local sports events.
AOT Girls... You're the best! Thank you for always being there.
Crash... Love you baby... Always!
Layout made by boba

My Interests

People, Helping Others, Cowgirl Hats (have quite a few)KW's, Harleys (I want a trike) Horses, Traveling, Music, Cooking (good southern homecooking) Crafts, Swimming, Sunbathing, Beaches, Mountain Cabins, Nature...


Classic & Southern Rock, Country, Blues...Delbert McClinton

Favorite Local Band - Paradox

Favorite Night Clubs - The Warehouse, Riders in the Country & Flaming Star.


Don't watch a lot of TV. Lost, Heroes & Paula Deen


Paula Deen