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About Me

Nombre artistico Jose Martin aka JAMS, desde muy pequeño estuvo relacionado con el tema de la musica empezando ya a la edad de 13 años a relacionarze al mundo del dj.Sus primeros pasos fueron en pubs y discotecas locales, donde demostro que no era uno mas, empezo a destacar como dj a partir de los 17 años alternando sus estudios con la venta de discos y pinchando en locales como NUMBER ONE, PIPPERS, BORSALINO PALACE,JAY, etc Empezo tambien hacer programas de radio como en 40 principales en malaga,una hora con JAMS. Donde alternaba la presentacion de novedades,ofrecia un mix de 30 minutos, y nunca dejando de lado a los clasicos ya que el, se sentia influenciado siempre por estos grupos como (Kool and the gang,Earth wind and fire,Jocelyn brown, etc...) Fundo la tienda de discos mas conocida a nivel de andalucia como JAMS RECORDS, la cual creo cultura musical y le dio impulso para pinchar en grandes eventos, y fuera de nuestras fronteras. Despues fundo la tienda por excelencia en malaga GROOVE RECORDS, la cual le impulso para pinchar en moscu, inglaterra, italia, etc Aqui conocio a un productor ya consagrado como JERRY ROPERO, el cual le enseño a sentir el placer de plasmar en un estudio todas sus ideas, y junto a el fundo los grupos BEFORE, SUPERGROOVE, GROOVEMASTERS,INFLUENCE,etc. Llegando a estar en listas de exitos, trabaja para sellos muy conocidos como Vendetta, Cassagrande, Tanga, beats for life, mc music, faxside records,etc. Pasado los años, le llaman para integrarse al equipo de OH MARBELLA, la discoteca por excelencia compartiendo cabina,con SEBASTIAN GAMBOA e ISMAEL RIVAS, llegando con el tiempo a quedarse como jefe de cabina pinchando con djs de la categoria de CARL COX, ROGER SANCHEZ, BOB SINCLAIR, ERICK MORILLO, PATRICIA STARR, DAVID GUETTA, JUNIOR JACK and KID CREME, ROBBIE RIVERA, JUNIOR SANCHEZ, STEVE ANGELLO, JOACHIM GARRAUD, etc. Despues paso a ser jefe de cabina de la prestigiosa sala SCREAM, puerto banus, (donde sigue actualmente) En uno de sus frecuentes viajes a barcelona, conoce a JUAN DIAZ, el cual le propone ser dj residente una vez al mes en GABBANA, pinchando tambien en el SONAR durante dos años seguidos. Tambien alterna todo esto, con producciones a nivel internacional en italia,haciendo remixers para su gran amigo MARCO CAMASSO. Mas tarde empieza a pinchar en miami en la WINTER MUSIC CONFERENCE, durante dos años y a partir del tercero empieza a producir sus propias fiestas en este sito. Ahora esta dedicado a la produccion y pinchar en la discoteca SCREAM, pronto va a dubai , ibiza, palma de mallorca, etc. ahora trabaja como A&R Manager Deejay/Producer para M.C. Music.
Artistic name Jose Martin aka JAMS, from very small was related to the subject of the musica beginning already at the age of 13 years to relation to the world of dj.The first steps were in local pubs and discotecas, where demostro that were not one but, begined to emphasize like dj as of the 17 years being alternated its studies with the disc sale and puncturing in the premises like NUMBER ONE, PIPPERS, BORSALINO PALACE, DISCO JAY, etc Begined also to make programs of radio like in 40 main ones in malaga, one hour with JAMS. Where it alternated the presentation of new features, taked a mix of 30 minutes, and never leaving of side the clasics since, feeled always influenced by these groups like (Kool and the gang, Earth wind and fire, Jocelyn Brown, etc...) I found the well-known store of discs but at level of Andalucia like JAMS RECORD, which I create musical culture and it gave impulse him to puncture in great events, and outside our borders. After I par excellence found the store on Malaga GROOVE RECORD, which him impulse to puncture in moscu, England, Italy, etc Here know to a producer already consecrated like JERRY ROPERO, which I teach to him to feel the pleasure to shape in a study all its ideas, and next to I found groups BEFORE, SUPERGROOVE, GROOVEMASTERS, INFLUENCE, etc. Getting to be in lists of exitos, it works for very well-known seals like Vendetta, Cassagrande, faxside records,Tanga, beats for life, mc music, etc Spent the years, they call to him to integrate itself to the equipment of OH MARBELLA, the discotec par excellence sharing cabin, with Sebastian Gamboa and Mountain Ismael, getting with time to stay oneself as steward puncturing with djs of categoria of CARL COX, ROGER SANCHEZ, BOB SINCLAIR, ERICK MORILLO, PATRICIA STARR, DAVID GUETTA, JUNIOR JACK and KID CREME, ROBBIE RIVERA, JUNIOR SANCHEZ, STEVE ANGELLO, JOACHIM GARRAUD, etc. Despues step to be steward of the prestigious room SCREAM, port banus, (where it follows at the moment) In one from its frequent trips to Barcelona, knows JUAN DIAZ, as al proposes to be dj to him resident a time month in GABBANA, also puncturing in the SONAR during two years followed. Also it alternates all this, with productions at international level in Italy, doing remixers for his great friend MARCO CAMASSO. But late it begins to puncture in miami in WINTER MUSIC CONFERENCE, during two years and from third it begins to produce his own celebrations in this situated one. Now this dedicated to the production and to puncture in discotec SCREAM, soon goes to dubai, Ibiza, Palma de Mallorca, job for M.C. music of A&R Manager Deejay/Producer.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/1/2007
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Type of Label: Indie

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Posted by DJ JAMS on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:26:00 PST

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Mis cuatro razones para seguir adelante ...
Posted by DJ JAMS on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:24:00 PST